It is the policy of Glen Ellyn Public Library to develop and maintain a superior collection of materials with available financial resources. It is the policy of Glen Ellyn Public Library to seek input from diverse resources in the community regarding purchase suggestions. Further, it is the policy of the library not to use its collection to promote particular beliefs or views. Rather, through its collection, the library provides material which visitors can examine freely and draw their own conclusions.
Responsibility for this policy rests with the library Board of Trustees. Implementation of the policy is delegated by the Board to the Library Director and staff who shall abide by the following collection development procedures governing the selection, acquisition, and weeding of library materials of all formats.
Glen Ellyn Public Library upholds and promotes the American Library Association in the following statements.
- Library Bill of Rights
- Freedom to Read
- Freedom to View
Collection Development Procedures
Library staff shall follow criteria for selection of materials for the library’s collections. The criteria are designed to make available a variety of materials that meet the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational interests and needs of the residents of Glen Ellyn. The criteria include the value of the material to the library and the public, regardless of the personal taste of the selectors
- variety of views on important, complicated, and/or controversial questions, regardless of
whether these views contain unpopular or unorthodox opinions - variety of views from input by diverse resources in the community
- judgments of trained staff, experts, and book reviewers
All acquisitions, whether purchased or donated, shall be governed by this document.
Recommendations for the purchase of library materials may be submitted by the general public to the library, which will base a decision to purchase upon the criteria herein.
The Collection Development Policy and Procedures shall be reviewed at least every three years in order to respond to the changing needs of Glen Ellyn residents.
Collection Development Plan
Selection Guidelines
All materials and electronic sources comprising the collection will be selected with consideration for, but not limited to, the following aspects:
- Interest to visitors
- Popularity of the author
- Authenticity of the information
- Authority of the author or publisher
- Physical features and format
- Price
- Currency of the material
- Space to house the material
- Ability to troubleshoot and keep the material in good working order
No title is excluded on the basis of moral, racial, religious, or political prejudice. Titles are selected, within the limitations of the budget, on the basis of critical consensus among recognized subject authorities. Qualitative standards include checking subject areas against standard bibliographic tools and recommended subject lists to be sure that the library is acquiring recommended materials.
Due to the vast number of titles published and the limits of the library’s budget, Glen Ellyn Public Library cannot possibly purchase all materials published.
Selection in all areas of the library will be focused on ordering materials to meet the needs of the Glen Ellyn Community.
Reviews and recommendations of materials are consulted before purchasing most materials. Sources consulted for objective reviews of reference materials include, but are not limited to: Library Journal, Booklist, and Publisher’s Weekly. Online sources are consulted. Materials are also examined by library staff at conference exhibits and bookstores. Publishers’ ads and brochures are checked for new titles. Electronic selection lists provided by library vendors are used to bolster areas of the collection.
Cardholder and diverse community resource input will also be used to aid in the evaluation of the collection. Suggestions from visitors are encouraged and will be given due consideration. In most cases, the library will not purchase self-published material because it is not reviewed in established review sources, and because staff are unable to order through pre-approved book wholesalers. An exception may be made for Glen Ellyn local authors. Local authors are encouraged to donate their books to the Emerging Author Collection.
The library does not usually purchase spiral bound titles, and hardback binding is generally preferred if available for most collections.
When selecting magazines and newspapers, staff will give preference to titles of broad, general appeal over highly specialized or scholarly journals. Cost is also a determining factor.
Library of Things
Reviews and recommendations of materials are consulted before purchasing most materials.
Online sources are consulted. Materials are also examined by library staff at conference exhibits and bookstores.
Cardholder input and input from diverse community resources will also be used to aid in the evaluation of the collection. Suggestions from visitors are encouraged and will be given due consideration.
Retention & Weeding
Retention and weeding in all areas of the library will be focused on retaining those materials and resources that meet the needs of the Glen Ellyn community.
Retention of print or electronic materials and Library of Things items is based on the likelihood of a historical interest in the field, as well as the timeliness of a title and its informational content. Cardholder demand and circulation statistics also have an impact on the retention or replacement of materials.
Weeding of print or electronic materials and Library of Things items is done on an ongoing basis as needed. Weeding criteria for both print and electronic materials will be currency and demand for the subject matter. The physical condition of heavily used print materials will also be a consideration.
An essential consideration in retention of online database products is visitor use. A subscription database that does not show adequate use considering the cost of the product over a time period of a year or more will be replaced or removed.
Titles of newspapers and magazines are kept for varying lengths of time, depending on space.
Emerging Author Collection
To support self-published authors whose works may not yet meet all of the criteria for the permanent collection, the library will establish an Emerging Author collection that will be subject to the following guidelines.
Books will be accepted as donations from the author or publisher and selected for inclusion in the Emerging Author collection by the librarian responsible for that genre or subject area. Authors must be residents of the greater Chicago metropolitan area or the book must take place in metro Chicago. Books will be included based on condition and perceived demand or interest by the Glen Ellyn community.
Due to staffing and time constraints, staff are not able to meet with individual authors, nor notify authors if books are not accepted.
Items will rotate out of the collection and may be withdrawn, depending on demand and established weeding criteria.
All materials that are donated become the property of Glen Ellyn Public Library and cannot be returned to the donor.
Donations that are not accepted into the collection will be sent to the Friends of the Library for use in their book sales.
Borrowing from other Libraries
The library participates in SWAN Library Services, an automation consortium of 100 public libraries in RAILS (Reaching Across Illinois Library System). Cardholders are able to place their own reserves directly on most materials without contacting a staff member. Outside of the SWAN system, the library also makes every attempt to Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials for our cardholders from other owning libraries, at no charge for most materials.
In addition, the library is fortunate to be located in an area where there are two academic libraries nearby (College of DuPage and Wheaton College), where residents have access to materials.
Selection sources of audiovisual materials will also include catalogs (Ingram Advance, Facets Media, Midwest Tape, Recorded Books, Audio Editions, etc.), general interest newspapers, periodicals, and cardholder requests. Appropriateness and expected long-term use will be deciding factors in selection.
The online database collection complements the “electronic branch” concept of library services. Factors in selection include reference value, availability of print equivalent, subscription cost, availability of remote access, and cardholder demand. Priority items will be those products which provide a unique service, provide added value to their print equivalents, and products which are the equivalent of large paper collections.
Staff will make every opportunity to see demonstrations of potential databases at conferences or at other libraries, or to obtain trial subscriptions of potential databases, before purchasing. Catalogs from publishers and distributors and cardholder recommendations will be used to identify new subscriptions of possible interest.
Methods of evaluation include comparisons to similar products, demonstrations, literature reviews, and peer consultation. Criteria may include:
- Authority of contributors
- Timeliness and accuracy
- Quality and uniqueness of information
- Target audience
- Depth of coverage
- Interface that encourages effective use
- Price
- Vendor reputation
- Customer support
- Advantage/availability over comparable print resource
Role of the Collection
The collections of Glen Ellyn Public Library serve the following purposes:
- Education Support for high school through adult learners
- Popular Materials Selections
- Reference
- Education Support
The collection’s educational role is to support formal education from high school through adult independent learning. In addition, some material may be collected for visitors for whom English is a new language (ENL) as determined by the community’s changing demographics.
Selectors will bear in mind the needs of students, particularly recurring assignments, in developing the collections. However, high school and college textbooks will generally not be purchased. The library does keep a separate, non-circulating collection of textbooks provided by local schools. These are donated by the schools and the library requests updates as needed.
In order to meet the needs of adult independent learners, the print and electronic collections will provide a broad range of information in all subject areas. A basic selection of the principal works in each subject area and of classic fiction also will be maintained.
Interlibrary Loan service will be provided on request to supply most professional and academic level titles for which there is no general demand.
Popular Materials Selections
Popular materials are those which are in demand by the community. Selectors will take into consideration demand as reflected by reserve/purchase requests and may consult community groups or subject experts regarding special needs for materials in specific subject areas. Multiple copies will be purchased in various formats to meet cardholder demand. After initial demand has passed, most duplicate copies will be removed from the collection, due to lack of space.
A general collection of print and electronic reference sources will be maintained. The combined print and electronic reference collection will cover all disciplines at a basic level. Most print reference sources are available for in-library use only. Most electronic resources are available 24/7 through with a Glen Ellyn Public Library card.
Due to the nature of reference material, the reference collection cannot be comprehensive. More in-depth research materials can be found at the local academic libraries.
Print reference materials which are in high demand and require extended use may be duplicated in the circulating collection.
A small collection of local history materials is maintained as reference material. In general, questions of this nature are referred to the Glen Ellyn Historical Society.
Book Collections
The availability of information on the Internet has increased our library’s access to timely information, necessitating a smaller more select print reference collection. This collection serves the general public; thus, the library does not have extensive legal, tax, or medical information appropriate for professionals practicing in these areas. The Reference Collection is continuously updated.
The Fiction collection encompasses general fiction, mysteries, and science fiction. Well- reviewed titles are given a priority. The replacement of tattered copies of classic fiction is an ongoing expenditure. The majority of fiction purchases will be hardbound, but paperbound
copies may be purchased as replacements. Every attempt is made to acquire and maintain books in a series written by a popular author. The number of copies purchased of popular fiction will be based on demand. Once an individual title is no longer in high demand the library will reduce the number of copies of that title.
Biographies commonly found at the classification number 920 will be separated out into their own section. Biographies and autobiographies of single individuals are here, with the exception of sports celebrities and artists, which will be found in the 700s.
Biographies about more than one person are usually classified in the most appropriate Dewey area. The titles are classified by the name of the subject of the book.
Large Print
Large Print titles are usually duplicates of popular interest titles held in the other collections, both fiction and nonfiction.
Mass Market Paperbacks
The mass market paperback collection is meant as a non-comprehensive, rotating collection of current, popular interest titles, including genre fiction. Only fiction will be purchased in mass market paperback format. Tattered copies with high circulation will be replaced.
Graphic Novels
The Graphic Novel collection consists of fiction and nonfiction titles in pictorial form using text and sequential art to tell the story. Preference is given to hardcover titles, although paperbacks will be purchased when that is the only available format. Selection criteria are the same as above but also include the quality of graphics.
Young Adult/Teens
The library will maintain a collection of fiction which appeals primarily to young people of high school age. The collection will include some classics commonly read in high school but will be primarily a browsing collection of popular materials for this age group. Every effort will be made to acquire books on local school reading lists. When appropriate, books will be purchased in paperback format.
The nonfiction collection of Glen Ellyn Public Library is classified in the Dewey Decimal System and uses Library of Congress Subject Headings. Additional copies of popular nonfiction will be purchased based on demand. Once an individual title is no longer in high demand, the library will reduce the number of copies of that title.
000 – Generalities
Areas of special emphasis include: computer science and the internet; journalism and publishing; and readers’ advisory. The computer book collection will address the needs of home computer users. Some titles on older software applications are kept, but the bulk of this section is devoted to newer software titles that are currently in widespread use.
100 – Philosophy and Psychology
Special emphasis will be placed on self-help materials and topics in demand for school assignments.
200 – Religion
The collection will include a general overview of each of the major world religions. Mythologies of the world will be covered on a basic level.
300 – Social Sciences
Areas of special emphasis in the social sciences include: college guides and test prep; finance and investment; legal guides; and true crime. Current information is crucial in most of these areas. Tax guides are kept for seven years. Multiple copies are weeded after the current tax year.
400 – Language
The collection will include English grammar, usage, and etymological materials; a dictionary and grammar book for each major language; and materials meant for visitors for whom English is a new language. The English as a New Language (ENL) collection does include some textbooks and workbooks. This is a developing collection and will be periodically evaluated to insure that it meets the needs of the Glen Ellyn community.
500 – Science
This collection will include books on natural history, mathematics, and pure sciences for the layperson. An emphasis is placed on materials for students, high school through basic college. This is another area where the library does purchase some textbooks, since they are frequently the best source for well-written overviews on physics, mathematics, astronomy, etc.
600 – Applied Science and Technology
Areas of special emphasis in the 600s include: health and specific diseases; gardening; cooking (including special diets and ethnic cuisines); business/jobs; parenting; and home construction projects. The subject area of medicine will consist of lay-level books on specific diseases, systems of the body, and health encyclopedias.
700 – Arts
Areas of special emphasis in the arts include: hobbies and crafts; interior design and home decoration; architecture; performing arts; and sports.
800 – Literature
The collection will cover world literature on a basic level. Special emphasis will be placed on the following: Shakespeare plays and criticism; drama; criticism of works and authors; poetry; essays; and humor.
910-919 – Travel
This collection will cover all areas of the world, with emphasis on major international and United States cities. Multiple copies of popular travel guides will be purchased.
900 – History, Biography
Special consideration is made to balance the needs of students as well as the interests of those who simply enjoy reading history. The collection includes books on local history as well as basic books on genealogy.
Newspapers and Magazines
The Newspapers and Magazine collection consists of approximately 200 titles, including reference serials. The collection includes popular titles in a broad range of subject areas.
Databases and Electronic Resources
The electronic collection will reflect the academic needs of students at the junior high level through college, as well as the reference needs of the general public. When feasible, electronic sources are made available from remote locations as well as inside the library. The Glen Ellyn News dating back to 1912 has been digitized and is available on public computers inside the library.
Audiovisual Materials and Resources
The library will continue to expand its collection of audiovisual formats. As new technologies emerge, older formats will be phased out, depending on cardholder demand. Shelving and storage options also have an impact on these collections.
Downloadable Materials
Through participation in consortia and purchased databases, the library offers Glen Ellyn Public Library cardholders the ability to download a variety of materials that can be viewed, read, or listened to on computers and wireless devices. Titles of downloadable materials vary according to publisher and provider.