You may have noticed a newer collection in the Youth Department called Books with Sound. This section contains titles in VOX and Wonderbook format, which combine printed books with audio narration. These formats enhance literacy by engaging children in multisensory experi- ences, and supporting comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary. They are particularly effective for struggling readers and language learners by fostering independent reading habits.
Llama Llama Loves to Read by Anna Dewdney
Throughout the school day, the teacher helps Llama Llama and the other children practice their letters, shows word cards, reads stories, and brings them to the library where they can all choose a favorite book. By the end of the day, Llama Llama is recognizing words and can’t wait to show Mama Llama that he’s becoming a reader!
The Bad Seed Goes to the Library by Jory John
The Bad Seed is in a good mood…for once. That’s because there’s a really cool book at the library available for checkout. The Bad Seed reads, and reads, until the book can’t be read anymore. But suddenly, he gets bad news: The book must be returned to the library so another seed can enjoy it. Will the bad seed return to his baaaaaad ways and keep the book?
Doggo and Pupper by Katherine Applegate
Doggo, an older dog, is used to things a certain way. When Pupper shows up, Doggo’s routine changes. Pupper is very playful and soon the humans realize Pupper needs some training. But when Pupper comes back from puppy school, Doggo senses that, although Pupper is well-behaved, he isn’t happy. So Doggo shows Pupper how to rediscover his fun side.
Farah Rocks Fifth Grade by Susan Muaddi Darraj
Fifth-grader Farah Hajjar and her best friend Allie Liu are hoping to go to the Magnet Academy for their middle school years. When a new girl starts tormenting Farah and her younger brother, Samir, she decides she cannot leave Samir to face the bully alone, so Farah comes up with a plan.
Peter Powers and the Sinister Snowman Showdown! by Kent Clark
Peter and his best friends embark on an adventure to defeat an army of snowmen, and in the process they save the holidays from being ruined.