Carrie Gowans, Glen Ellyn Library Foundation Development Officer
400 Duane Street, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
There are many ways to make a tax-deductible charitable gift to Glen Ellyn Library Foundation. Your gift will support the Foundation’s mission of innovation and outreach of Glen Ellyn Public Library’s services to the community.
Donations to Glen Ellyn Library Foundation are 100% tax deductible as applicable by law for a 501(C)(3) organization (Tax ID: 36-4243793).
Cash Donation
- By Check – Mail or drop off a check payable to Glen Ellyn Library Foundation.
- Make a secure donation online . Please consider the option to cover the processing fees so the Foundation receives 100% of your donation. You may choose to make a one-time or recurring monthly donation.
- From a Donor-Advised Fund or family charitable foundation.
Employer Matching Gifts
Many employers match employee charitable donations. Please check with your employer about matching gifts and the Foundation will work with your company to process the donation using EIN 36-4243793.
Planned Giving/Bequest
Designate Glen Ellyn Library Foundation as a recipient of all or part of your estate held in a qualified plan, 401k, and/or IRA payable to the Foundation. An outright gift by will or trust may also be made to the Foundation effective at death.
Designate Glen Ellyn Library Foundation as the beneficiary of a charitable lead trust, a charitable remainder annuity trust, or a charitable remainder unitrust.
Designate Glen Ellyn Library Foundation as the recipient of a whole or term life insurance policy.
By contributing stocks that have appreciated in value, you may receive positive tax advantages as a donor.
Outright Gift by Will or Trust to the Foundation Effective at Death
- Legal document prepared by your lawyer.
- Can be changed while living.
- Can be a specific amount, specific assets, or percentage of assets.
- Possible estate tax deduction for substantial estates.
Qualified Plan, 401(k) and IRA Payable to the Foundation
- Beneficiary designation is a legal document prepared by your lawyer.
- Can be changed while living.
- For a donor age 70 1/2 or older, because of distributions required by IRS rules, the account will be reduced over time; so consider coordinating with will and trust.
- Can be a specific amount or percentage of assets.
- Proceeds to the Foundation are not subject to federal income tax contrasted with imposition of federal income tax if left to an individual or a trust for individuals.
- Possible estate tax deduction for substantial estates.
- Best source of charitable giving at death for high net worth donors.
- Fewer benefits if the account is a Roth IRA.
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
- Can become effective during donor’s life or at death.
- Trust provides an annuity for the donor, the donor’s spouse, both of them, or others.
- The annuity can be for a specific number of years or for the life or lives of a beneficiary or the beneficiaries.
- At the end of the annuity period, the balance of assets in the trust goes to the Foundation.
- The donor funds the trust and selects the trustee (including the donor) of the trust and the trustee makes the investment decisions for the trust.
- Taxes:
- The donor receives a federal income tax deduction in the year the trust is established based on the age or ages of beneficiaries, the current interest rate, the length of the trust, and amount of the annuity.
- If the trust is funded with appreciated property and the trust sells that property, no immediate taxable capital gain to the donor or the trust.
- The annuity is taxed to the donor with rules about the type of income and rates (including potential capital gain income).
- No gift tax on lifetime interest unless the beneficiary is someone other than the donor and the donor’s spouse.
- If the annuity ends with the death of the donor or on the death of the survivor of the donor and the donor’s spouse, no estate tax on the balance of the assets in the trust passing to the Foundation.
- If the annuity continues after the donor’s death for someone other than the donor’s spouse, a portion of the trust potentially is subject to estate tax in substantial estates.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
- Same concept as a charitable remainder annuity trust except that the annual return to the donor or other individual beneficiaries fluctuates based on a percentage (selected by the donor at inception) of the value of the trust each year.
- The tax consequences are similar to a charitable remainder annuity trust.
Charitable Lead Trust
- This conceptually is the opposite of a charitable remainder trust. Here, the Foundation receives the initial annuity or unitrust amount, and at the end of the initial term, the trust ends in favor of the donor’s family or the trust continues for them.
- Used by a wealthy donor during life or at death.
- Taxes:
- Depending on structure, if created during life, possible current federal income tax deduction for the donor.
- Potentially partially subject to federal gift tax if established during the donor’s life.
- Potentially partially subject to estate tax if established at the donor’s death and the donor has a substantial estate.
- Possibly subject to generation-skipping transfer tax in a substantial estate.
Life Insurance
- If the donor retains ownership of the policy and names the Foundation as the beneficiary, or as a contingent beneficiary:
- The donor controls the policy, can change the beneficiary and will continue to pay the premiums, unless the policy is paid up.
- No current income tax deduction, but not subject to estate tax at death.
- If the donor transfers ownership to the Foundation and the Foundation becomes the beneficiary:
- The donor and Foundation will have to determine if the donor or Foundation will pay ongoing premiums, if any, and when, if ever, the policy is cashed in.
- The donor will receive an income tax deduction in the year of the gift for approximately the lesser of the donor’s cost or the cash value of the policy.
- If the donor gives the Foundation funds each year with which to pay the premiums, the donor receives an income tax deduction for that annual contribution.
- The proceeds are not subject to estate tax at the donor’s death.
The donor should consult with the donor’s own attorney and accountant to obtain legal and tax advice with respect to all of these planning ideas and calculation of the tax effects. The Foundation will be pleased to discuss these ideas, but this information is general in nature and the Foundation is not responsible for its content or use.
Foundation Meeting
March 12, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Glen Ellyn Library Foundation meets quarterly.
Foundation Meeting
May 14, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Glen Ellyn Library Foundation meets quarterly.
Foundation Meeting
July 9, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Glen Ellyn Library Foundation meets quarterly.
Foundation Meeting
September 10, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Glen Ellyn Library Foundation meets quarterly.
Foundation Meeting
November 12, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Glen Ellyn Library Foundation meets quarterly.
Make a financial donation to the Foundation in exchange for naming a piece of the library for yourself or a loved one. Nameable items range from the end panel of a bookshelf to the library building itself. A variety of the library’s furniture and meeting spaces are available, as well. A plaque will be affixed to the item you choose in exchange for a financial contribution to the Foundation.
Engraved Brick Paver for Walkway $250
Study Carrel $500
Self-Checkout Machine $1,000
Adult End Panel $2,500
Youth End Panel $2,500
Board Room $5,000
Drive-Up Window $7,500
Library Services Desk $10,000
Youth Desk $10,000
Youth Study Room $25,000
Study Room $25,000
Lobby $50,000
Meeting Room $50,000
Preschool Area $50,000
Youth Program Room $50,000
High School Room $250,000
Youth Department $500,000
Main Reading Room $1,000,000
Building $5,000,000

Gina Meyers
Training Professional – Process Improver – Life-Long Learner
Gina is an independent consultant specializing in corporate learning solutions. She has been actively involved with the Glen Ellyn Public Library for over 25 years, serving four years as a Library Board Trustee and past President of the Friends of the Library organization. Gina enjoys all things book related, biking, pickleball and euchre. Gina is often online in a challenging game of Scrabble with her family.
Term Ends: 2026

Vice President
Peter Cooper
Attorney – Community Leader – Bibliophile
A resident of Glen Ellyn for more than 30 years, Peter and his wife Celia Rodee raised their family in the village, where they have been frequent patrons and loyal supporters of Glen Ellyn Public Library. Peter, who previously served as a Glen Ellyn Village Trustee and currently sits on the Village’s Plan Commission, recently retired from his commercial litigation practice. Peter is inspired by Groucho Marx’s observation: “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.”
Term Ends: 2026

Merrill Rajeck
Financial Advisor – Active Retiree – Rotarian
Merrill is a retired independent investment advisor. He has been on the Foundation board for more than 20 years. Merrill enjoys serving in the Glen Ellyn Rotary Club, current events, and investing. Merrill stays active by playing golf, swimming, bicycling, and walking about the beautiful town of Glen Ellyn. Merrill is an uber-townie – a fourth generation GlenEllyn-ite.
Term Ends: 2025

Molly Mattaliano
Editor – Event Planner – Volunteer
Molly has assisted many local nonprofits, mostly working on their annual newsletters and reports, and chairing large fundraisers and events. A Glen Ellyn native, Molly appreciates the importance of the library to the community. When not planning her three daughters’ weddings, Molly enjoys volunteering, teaching, and practicing yoga.
Term Ends: 2024

Board Member
Didi Foth
Community Member – Reader – Traveler
Didi has been a Glen Ellyn resident for over 30 years. She has been involved in many areas of the village – as a library Trustee, sitting on various boards, and volunteering and working in the Glen Ellyn business community. Didi loves reading, racquet sports, and traveling with family and friends.
Term Ends: 2027

Board Member
Kelley Kalinich
Educator – Nature Enthusiast – Friend
Kelley is a life-long resident of Glen Ellyn who is a retired superintendent of schools. A mother of two Glenbard West graduates, in addition to serving on the Foundation board, she is currently volunteering in the community as a Village Trustee, Illinois Master Gardener, and Chicago Public Schools Charter School Board Member. In addition to working part time for the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana supervising student teachers, she enjoys painting, gardening, traveling, playing tennis, paddle, pickleball, golf, and spending time with family and friends.
Term Ends: 2024

Board Member
Molly McGinnis Knapke
Strategist – Leader – Traveler
Molly is a technology and services strategy professional and has been very involved with many nonprofits and local governments, including eight years on the library Board of Trustees as Treasurer and President. Molly loves all racquet sports, reading, movies, and travel.
Term Ends: 2027

Board Member
Jim Meyers
Businessman – Volunteer – Traveler
Jim had a career in manufacturing and is a grateful husband, father, and papa. Jim has volunteered on several boards over the years including the Foundation, the Civic Betterment Committee, and as Glen Ellyn Police Commissioner. Jim enjoys traveling with his family and watching all of his grandchildren play many sports.
Term Ends: 2024

Board Member
Keith Mote
Investment Professional – Consultant – Leader
An institutional investment consultant with 20+ years of experience consulting to not-for-profit boards, Keith understands and appreciates the impact organizations like Glen Ellyn Public Library have in the local community. Keith loves travel, music, cycling, and spending time with family. When at home, he can be found tinkering with his hi-fi stereo system or listening to blues, jazz, and gospel music.
Term Ends: 2027

Development Officer
Carrie Gowans
The Glen Ellyn Library Foundation (GELF) was established in 1998. The Foundation is an independent, non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization; governed by a volunteer board of directors made up of community members and non-voting representatives of the Friends of the Glen Ellyn Public Library, the Glen Ellyn Public Library Board of Trustees, and the Glen Ellyn Public Library administration. The Foundation accepts both outright and deferred gifts of all sizes from anyone who wishes to support the Library.
The mission of the Glen Ellyn Library Foundation is to build an endowment that will ensure future residents of Glen Ellyn enjoy high-quality library services in a state-of-the-art facility and to fund projects that foster innovation and outreach.
The Glen Ellyn Library Foundation Board of Directors considers and votes on project expenditures as presented by the Library Director. In addition to the Foundation-funded projects pictured below, the Board has also approved funding for philanthropic donations to community organizations through the library’s summer reading program, library employee awards, and library staff appreciation.
2024 | $17,500 Additional 65 S. Park Lockers
2023 | $10,000 Outreach Van Contribution, The Silver Ball fundraiser, $1,000 Summer Reading Contribution to the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry, $100,000 Makerspace Contribution for The Workshop
2022 | $1,000 Summer Reading Contribution to Forest Preserve District of DuPage
2021 | FSL Muse 3D Autofocus Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter, $1,000 Summer Reading Contribution to World Relief, $20K Outreach Van Contribution
2020 | Short Story Dispenser Touchless Controls, $1,000 Summer Reading Contribution to Glen Ellyn Children’s Resource Center, Audio Visual Kits
2019 | Short Story Dispenser, $1,000 Summer Reading Contribution to Glen Ellyn Park District’s Scholarship Fund
2018 | Licensing for Adobe Creative Cloud Applications & Services in Digital Media Lab, Summer Reading Contribution to SCARCE, The Cafe
2017 | Jungle Book Ball in support of Phase III Library Master Renovation Plan, Summer Reading Contribution to Supplies 4 Success
2016 | Specialized Audio/Visual Equipment in the Youth Program Room
2015 | The Lounge
2014 | Tween iMac Computer Station
2013 | Makerbot 3D Printer
2010-12 | Memorial Butterfly Garden
2009-10 | Safety Village Library
2008 | Teen Scene Room (funded in large part by Dan & Midge Anderson)
2007 | Self-Check Machine (donated by Julien Family in honor of Rogerta Julien)
1999 | Computer Learning Center (given by Clayton Kirkpatrick in memory of Thelma Kirkpatrick)
Agendas and Minutes
Meeting Date | Agenda | Minutes |
11/6/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/11/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
5/22/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/6/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/10/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/1/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/22/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
5/15/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/5/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/11/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/2/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/24/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/5/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/12/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/03/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
09/01/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
05/05/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
Bylaws of the Glen Ellyn Library Foundation an Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation
Adopted: April 13, 2010
Reviewed: May 1, 2019
Revised: November 2, 2022
Investment Policy
Investment Policy Executive Summary
Investment Policy
Financial Reports
A sub-committee of the Glen Ellyn Library Foundation Board of Directors performs an internal financial review of the organization based on the Foundation Financial Review Policy Guidelines.
Yearly Glen Ellyn Library Foundation financial reports
Financial Review Policy Guidelines
All funds of the Glen Ellyn Library Foundation are held by the Board of Directors as a fiduciary. All investments made on behalf of the Foundation Board of Directors will be made in compliance with the latest approved Foundation Investment Policy Guidelines.
Standard of Care
The Foundation Board of Directors should exercise ordinary care and prudence under the facts and circumstances prevailing at the time of the action or decision.
The primary objective of the financial review is to provide Glen Ellyn Library Foundation Board of Directors, general public, donators, and any other interested parties with reliable and accurate information about the financial condition of the Foundation.
The Foundation Board of Directors has delegated supervisory authority over its annual financial review to the president of the board. The president is responsible for ensuring that an annual financial review will be conducted on board finances for the just completed current full fiscal year. The review will be conducted during the first quarter of the next fiscal year immediately following the end of the current fiscal year. The Foundation fiscal year is the calendar year.
Performance Procedures
The financial review shall not be considered an audit. Rather, the review will consist of personal observations made by the review committee of written documents furnished by the financial institutions that provide investment broker services and banking institutions holding checking accounts. These documents will be compared to the financial reports presented to Foundation Board by the Foundation Treasurer.
The results of the annual financial review shall be prepared by the review committee and reported to the board in writing at a minimum of two weeks before the scheduled board meeting for the second quarter of the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year being reviewed. Approval of the final financial report shall be made by a quorum of the full board at the regular monthly meeting scheduled for the second quarter immediately following the first quarter in which the review was performed.
It shall be the responsibility of the board president to appoint the members of the financial review committee at the first monthly meeting of the next fiscal year. At least two persons shall be appointed to the committee. At least one member of the committee shall be a board member. No board member may serve on the financial review committee for more than two consecutive years. The treasurer of the board may not serve on the financial review committee. At the discretion of the board president, one member of the committee may be a person who does not currently serve on the board, as long as the appointed person is independent and has demonstrated qualifications and experience pertinent to performing a financial review. A majority of the financial review committee shall consist of current Foundation Board Members.
Should the board president, for any reason, be unable to perform the duties as outlined above, the responsibility shall be transferred to the board secretary, with final approval of all members of the financial review committee made by a quorum of the Foundation Board prior to commencing the financial review. As soon as the board president is capable of performing these duties, the responsibility shall return to the president.
Public Reporting
The results of the annual financial review shall be published by the review committee and posted on the Foundation website in a written format suitable for public viewing as soon as possible, but no later than one calendar month after final approval has been received by the Foundation Board. Confidential information, such as account numbers or other similar information shall not be included in the public report. Financial reports for the past two consecutive years shall be posted on the Foundation website.
Adopted: 8/29/16
Revised: 5/27/22
Unlike the Friends of the Library, the Foundation maintains an endowment fund. The fund is supported by both planned giving and fundraising, whereas the Friends’ fund-raise with an annual campaign and book sales. Donations to the Foundation are used to build a long term endowment and funds raised are distributed for library projects that meet its mission in accordance with the Investment Policy and Guidelines.The Friends annual contribution to the library supplements the material and program budgets.