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Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 9 pm
Friday: 9 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 1 – 5 pm

Tuesday, September 10, 2024  |  9 am – 9 pm

Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 9 pm
Friday: 9 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 1 – 5 pm

Personnel Policies

Last Revised: July 15, 2024

A. Introduction

This Employee Handbook contains information on policies and benefits of Glen Ellyn Public Library. All employees are provided with a Handbook so that they may become more familiar with the library. It is expected that employees will take the time to acquaint themselves with its contents.

Because it will be necessary to make revisions from time to time, the library reserves the right to change or modify this information, at any time, or cancel in whole or in part, with or without any notice, the published or unpublished benefits or practices. When such changes or modifications are made to the Employee Handbook, employees will be provided with replacement pages for their Handbook. In some instances, policies may be implemented before the manual is revised. Employees are expected to keep their Handbooks updated at all times.

The contents of this Handbook do not constitute an expressed or implied contract of employment. Employment at Glen Ellyn Public Library is employment-at-will and as such, may be terminated at the will of either the employer or the employee at any time and for any reason, or for no reason.

Employees with questions concerning the information, procedures or programs outlined in this Handbook should contact their Department Head or the library Director.

B. Library Guidelines

1. Equal Employment Opportunity

The library will provide equal opportunity to all employees and applicants for employment regardless of actual or perceived  race (and traits associated with race including but not limited to hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, religion, sex, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, work authorization status, citizenship status, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, order of protection status, genetic information, military status, unfavorable discharge from military service or status as a veteran in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment. Such action shall include but is not limited to: initial consideration for employment, job placement and assignment of responsibilities; performance evaluation; promotion and advancement; compensation and fringe benefits; training and professional development opportunities; formulation and application of human resource policies and rules; facility and service accessibility; and discipline and termination.

Any employee who believes this policy has been violated should report the situation to Human Resources or the library Director. All such matters will be held in confidence, thoroughly investigated and rectified if a policy violation is identified. Please refer to the policy governing sexual and other types of harassment for more detailed information concerning the library’s investigative procedures.

The library strongly encourages use of this policy if necessary and assures its employees that they need fear no reprisals for bringing forth a good faith claim, regardless of the results of any investigation.

2. Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination

Glen Ellyn Public Library is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free of all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, which are all illegal under the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) and Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII). In keeping with this commitment, it is the policy of the library to maintain a work environment free from all forms of harassment and to insist that all employees be treated with dignity, respect, and courtesy. Glen Ellyn Public Library will not tolerate discrimination or harassment by anyone, including any supervisor, employee, vendor, customer, contractor, or other regular visitor of the library. Violation of this policy shall be considered grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.


Discrimination consists of employment actions taken against an individual based on an actual or perceived characteristic protected by law, such as sex, race (and traits associated with race including but not limited to hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship status, work authorization status, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, military or veteran status, genetic information, order of protection status, or any other category protected by applicable law. In other words, discrimination occurs when an individual is treated differently or unequally because the individual is a member of or a perceived member of a protected group.

A. Harassment

Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that is based upon a person’s actual or perceived protected status such as race (and traits associated with race including but not limited to hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, military or veteran status, genetic information, order of protection status, or any other category protected by applicable law. Glen Ellyn Public Library will not tolerate harassing conduct that affects tangible job benefits, interferes unreasonably with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

The conduct forbidden by this policy specifically includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Epithets, slurs, negative stereotypes or intimidating acts that are based on a person’s protected status
  2. Written or graphic material circulated within or posted within the workplace that shows hostility toward a person because of his or her protected status
B. Definition of Sexual Harrassment

Sexual harassment, as defined by the IHRA consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors; and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when made by any employee to another employee where:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s employment.
  2. Submission to or refusal to engage in such conduct is used as the basis for any employment decisions affecting such individual; or
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Sexual harassment, as defined above, may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Uninvited sex-oriented verbal “kidding” or demeaning sexual innuendoes, leers, gestures, teasing, sexually explicit or obscene jokes, remarks or questions of a sexual nature;
  2. Graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or body;
  3. Displaying sexually explicit objects, photographs or drawings;
  4. Unwelcome touching, such as patting, pinching or constant brushing against another’s body; or
  5. Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement of another employee whether or not such suggestion or demand is accompanied by implicit or explicit threats concerning one’s employment status or similar personal

Even if two or more individuals are engaging in consensual conduct, such conduct could constitute harassment of or discrimination against another individual who witnesses or overhears the conduct.

C. Investigative

Everyone is responsible to help ensure that harassment and discrimination do  not  occur and are not tolerated. An individual who believes that he or she has been subjected to sexual or other types of harassment or discrimination, or who has witnessed harassment or discrimination, should immediately submit a complaint to his or her supervisor, or the Human Resources Department. If a manager or supervisor receives a complaint of harassment or discrimination or becomes aware of such conduct, the complaint or conduct shall be immediately reported to the Human Resources Department.

The Human Resources Department, or its designee, shall promptly investigate all complaints and make all reasonable efforts to resolve the matter informally. These efforts may include, but are not limited to, convening conferences with the complainant and/or the accused harasser/discriminator to discuss the complaint and the results of the investigation.

Complaints by an elected/appointed official against another elected/appointed official shall be submitted to the Director. The Director shall, in consultation with legal counsel for the library, ensure that an independent review is conducted with respect to such allegations.

The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected and consistent with the library’s legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.

A substantiated complaint against an employee will subject the individual to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Glen Ellyn Pubic Library will also take appropriate action to address a substantiated complaint of discrimination or harassment by a third party or non-employee. If an investigation results in a finding that the complainant falsely accused another of harassment or discrimination knowingly or in a malicious manner, the complainant will be subject to appropriate discipline, including the possibility of discharge.

D. Retaliation Prohibited

Reporting harassment or discrimination or participating in an investigation will not reflect adversely upon an individual’s status or affect future employment. Any form of retaliation against an employee who reports harassment or discrimination or participates in an investigation is strictly prohibited by the Illinois Human Rights Act, the Illinois Whistleblower Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and company policy. Any employee who retaliates against another for exercising his or her rights under this policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination. Glen Ellyn Public Library will also take appropriate action to address a third party or non-employee who engages in retaliation.

The purpose of this policy is to establish prompt, thorough and effective procedures for responding to every complaint and incident so that problems can be identified and remedied internally. However, an individual has the right to file formal charges with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) and/or the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). An IDHR or EEOC complaint must be filed within 300 days of the alleged incident(s) unless it is a continuing offense.

Contact Information:

Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR)
Chicago 312-814-6200 or 800-662-3942
Chicago TTY 866-740-3953

Illinois Human Rights Commission (IHRC)
Chicago 312-814-6269
Chicago TTY 312-814-4760

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Chicago 800-669-4000
TTY 800-869-8001

3. Whistle Blower Policy

As a beneficiary of the public trust and a steward of public monies, Glen Ellyn Public Library must be the pinnacle of sound financial, auditing, and management standards and practices.  The library is committed to the highest standards of openness and accountability.  An important aspect of accountability and transparency is a mechanism to enable staff and other members of the library to voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner. When an individual discovers information which he or she believes shows serious malpractice or wrongdoing within the organization, this information should be disclosed internally without fear of reprisal, and there should be arrangements to enable this to be done.  This policy ensures that no members of staff should feel at a disadvantage in raising legitimate concerns.

This policy is designed to enable employees and trustees of the library to raise concerns internally and at a high level and to disclose information which the individual believes shows fraudulent or unethical behavior or impropriety. This policy is intended to cover concerns which are in the public’s interest and may at least initially be investigated separately but might then lead to the invocation of other procedures.

It should be emphasized that this policy is intended to assist individuals who believe they have discovered fraudulent or unethical behavior or impropriety. It is not designed to question financial or business decisions taken by the library, nor should it be used to reconsider any matters which have already been addressed under harassment, complaint, disciplinary, or other procedures.

Procedure for Reporting Financial, Auditing, or Governance Improprieties
If a trustee, administrator, or employee becomes aware of, or has a reasonable good faith belief that, the library’s internal controls, auditing function, accounting systems, or governance policies are compromised, threatened, or contrary to prescribed procedure or policy, that person must report the concern immediately, either in person or anonymously in writing. If the person with the concern is an employee, they should report the concern to a supervisor, who will immediately share with the Director. If the Director is involved in the concern, the supervisor will report it directly to a trustee. If the person with a concern is a trustee, they shall immediately report it to an officer of the Board.

Examples of such improprieties include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Supplying false or misleading information on the library’s financial documents, including the tax return (990)
    • Financial malpractice
    • Unethical behavior
    • Supplying false information to or withholding material information from the library’s auditors
    • Violation of the conflict of interest, business credit card use, or personal order policies
    • Library assets being used for personal gain or benefit
    • Payment for services or goods that are not rendered or delivered
    • Embezzlement
    • Planning, facilitating, or concealing any of the above

An investigation of the report will be undertaken by the appropriate person(s), which will be determined by the type of concern or complaint and the person(s) suspected of improprieties.  There are several appropriate persons to oversee an investigation including, but not limited to, the Business Department (auditing functions or accounting systems), Board officers (conflict of interest or administration concerns), or administration (concerns involving staff). The complaint, all steps of the investigation, and the resolution or findings will be documented in a written file to be kept indefinitely in the library’s official record.  If the concern was not submitted anonymously, the investigator must acknowledge receipt of the complaint within fourteen days.

Under this policy, those who report suspected improprieties are protected from retaliation. The matter will be treated as confidential to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the need to investigate and prevent or correct the suspected action(s). The individual making the report will not be dismissed, harassed, or discriminated against for reporting in good faith what they perceive to be impropriety. However, persons who make unfounded allegations that have proven to have been made recklessly, maliciously, or with the foreknowledge that the concern expressed was false, will be subject to disciplinary action. In addition, anyone who retaliates against an individual who reports a suspected concern will be subject to disciplinary action.

4. Hiring

The selection of staff members is delegated to the Library Director, who in turn may delegate hiring decisions in each department to the Department Director.

Glen Ellyn Public Library is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Employment of members of the immediate families of current staff is permitted so long as they are qualified and not appointed to positions directly or indirectly supervising or supervised by another family member.

Employment of members of the immediate family (child, spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, in-laws of the same degree) of Board members or the library Director is not permitted.

5. Open Door Communications

The library strives to maintain an “open door” policy of communications, whereby employees are free to ask questions and voice concerns to each other, or to any level of management.  The library encourages open and candid feedback.

Employees with a problem or question are encouraged to first discuss it one-on-one with the involved individual(s). If the matter is not resolved, the employee may discuss it with their supervisor, who has primary responsibility for resolving employee concerns.

Employees who wish to discuss a matter further, or have a particular question that they are not comfortable discussing with their supervisor, are free to discuss the issue with another member of management. Employee questions or problems will always receive immediate attention and be resolved as soon as possible.

E-mail communication as a mode to resolve an issue or problem is highly discouraged.

6. Complaints

An employee who feels they have a legitimate complaint regarding any aspect of employment are encouraged to attempt to resolve the matter informally through their supervisor via the open door communications policy before invoking a formal grievance procedure.

If the informal effort to resolve a problem is not successful, an employee who feels that he/she has a legitimate complaint regarding employment with the library should state the complaint in writing and submit it to the Department Head. If the employee feels the response of the Department Head has not satisfactorily resolved the complaint, the Department Head’s decision may be appealed to the Library Director.

7. Reasonable Accommodations

The library follows the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended, the Illinois Human Rights Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and will attempt to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities; women affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions in the workplace; and individuals who request such accommodations for their religious beliefs or practices unless such accommodations would present an undue hardship for the library.

Reasonable accommodations apply to all covered employees and applicants, and include hiring practices, job placement, training, pay practices, promotion and demotion policies, access to benefits, and layoff and termination procedures.

As noted above, individuals who may request a reasonable accommodation include:

  • A qualified individual with a disability, which includes any individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of the job the individual has or wants, and does not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of himself /herself or other individuals in the workplace;
  • A pregnant individual, which includes any woman affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or medical or common conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. (For more information about pregnancy accommodations, see ); and
  • An individual who requests reasonable accommodations that will allow the individual to meet the requirements of or practice his or her religion.

Should you require a reasonable accommodation in the workplace, please contact your supervisor as soon as possible.

8. Confidential Information

All employees must safeguard confidential information obtained because of working for the library. This information includes, but is not necessarily limited to visitor information, customer (including but not limited to visitor bank account numbers, credit card information, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses), visitor histories and preferences, financial plans, investments, operating and marketing information and procedures, mailing lists, mailing list strategies, private personal information concerning the library’s employees, and, in particular, any material identified by the library as “confidential.”

Access to confidential information should be on a “need to know” basis and must be authorized by the library Director. Unauthorized use or disclosure of any confidential information will cause irreparable harm to the library.  The library may seek all remedies available under the law for any threatened or actual unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information.  Any employee who is unsure about the confidentiality of any information should immediately seek the assistance of the Director prior to disclosing such information.

Employees should use reasonable security measures with respect to confidential information, including but not limited to the following:

  • Confidential information should not be disclosed to any third party except upon the library’s prior approval;
  • No copies should be made of any confidential information except to promote the purposes of the employee’s work for the library;
  • Employees should not use confidential information for their own benefit, nor for the benefit of any third party, without the library’s prior approval.

Immunity from Liability for Confidential Disclosure of a Trade Secret to the Government or in a Court Filing: (1) Immunity—An individual shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of a trade secret that—(A) is made—(i) in confidence to a federal, state or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney; and (ii) solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (B) is made in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. (2) Use of Trade Secret Information in Anti-Retaliation Lawsuit—An individual who files a lawsuit for retaliation by an employer for reporting a suspected violation of law may disclose the trade secret to the attorney of the individual and use the trade secret information in the court proceeding, if the individual—(A) files any document containing the trade secret under seal; and (B) does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order.

All confidential information shall remain the sole property of the library, and all copies must be returned to the library upon termination of employment or upon demand at any other time.

9. Disciplinary Action Policy

As an integral member of the library team, you are expected to accept certain responsibilities, adhere to acceptable business principles in matters of personal conduct, and exhibit a high degree of personal integrity at all times. This not only involves sincere respect for the rights and feelings of others, but also demands that both in your business and in your personal life you refrain from any behavior that might be harmful to you, your co-workers, visitors, and/or the library.

Whether you are on duty or off, your conduct reflects on the library. You are, consequently, encouraged to observe the highest standards of professionalism at all times.

These rules and regulations, and others which may be established from time to time, are published to provide and promote understanding of what is considered unacceptable conduct.  These rules are not all inclusive, and unacceptable conduct not specifically covered by these rules may result in disciplinary action depending upon the circumstances. Any of the following acts of misconduct are in violation of the library’s rules.  Repeated violations of the same rule, violations of more than one rule in a single act, violations of different rules at different times and aggravating circumstances may be cause for accelerated, compound disciplinary action or termination.

These guidelines apply to all employees.

Group One Rules

  1. Stopping work before the specified end of the workday.
  2. Loitering during work hours.
  3. Regular failure to fill out time sheet or to otherwise accurately account for time worked.
  4. Repeated failure to be at the workstation at the scheduled beginning of the workday.
  5. Smoking, eating or drinking in prohibited areas.
  6. Creating or fostering unsanitary conditions.
  7. Posting or removal of notices on or from library bulletin boards without the expressed, prior approval of the Director.
  8. Unexcused absenteeism.
  9. Careless operation of library equipment.
  10. Obscene, abusive, inflammatory or derogatory language. This includes the spreading of rumors and/or malicious gossip.
  11. Horseplay or fighting during working hours.
  12. Threatening and/or coercing fellow employees during working hours.
  13. Outside employment which conflicts with library interests or inhibits the employee’s ability to function effectively.
  14. Negligent actions that might result in injury to co-workers or damage to library property.
  15. Unauthorized possession or use of library, visitor or employee property.
  16. Falsifying employment application, time sheet, expense report, personnel or other documents or records of the library.
  17. Possession, distribution or use of weapons (including firearms) or explosives, or violating criminal laws on the premises of the library.
  18. Dishonesty, fraud, theft or sabotage against the library or its employees.
  19. Insubordination or failure to perform reasonable duties which are assigned.
  20. Unauthorized use of material, time, equipment or property of the library or a visitor.
  21. Conduct that the library feels reflects adversely on the employee or the library.
  22. Performance that does not meet the requirements for the position.
  23. Abuse or negligence of our security or confidential materials.
  24. Installing unauthorized or illegal copies of software on a library-owned computer.
  25. Revealing any confidential information to any person who isn’t authorized to receive it, and who does not need to know it.
  26. Violation of the library’s drug/alcohol policy.
  27. Any behavior that results in an employee not performing their job.
  28. Engaging in such other practices as the library determines may be inconsistent with the ordinary and reasonable rules of conduct necessary to the welfare of the library, its employees or visitors.

Should your performance, work habits, overall attitude, conduct, or demeanor become unsatisfactory in the judgment of the library, based on violations either of the above or any of the other library policies, rules, or regulations, you will be subject to disciplinary action as follows.

First Offense – Verbal Warning
Second Offense – Written Warning
Third Offense – Disciplinary Suspension with or without pay at the discretion of the library
Fourth Offense  – Discharge

The library is not necessarily required to go through the entire disciplinary action process.  Discipline may begin at any step, dependent upon the severity of the incident. The progressive disciplinary steps and the failure to follow the steps in every situation does not in anyway create a contractual right to continued employment.

The library reserves the right to conduct an investigative suspension.  An investigative suspension is a period of time, normally not to exceed five (5) working days, during which an employee is relieved of his or her job with pay pending an investigation of the employee’s major incident(s) of non-performance, inappropriate behavior, and/or violation of library rules.

An employee may be placed on investigative suspension when it is necessary to make a full investigation to determine the facts of the case.

10. Anti-Bullying Policy

The library prohibits acts of harassment or bullying. The library has determined that a safe environment is necessary for employees to be successful and productive. Bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both an employee’s ability to positively contribute to the organization on a day-to-day basis and the library’s ability to successfully run its business.

“Bullying” is conduct that meets all three of the following criteria:

  • is directed at one or more employees;
  • substantially interferes with work/prevents work from being accomplished; and
  • adversely affects the ability of an employee to contribute in a positive manner in the workplace by placing the employee in reasonable fear of physical harm and/or by causing emotional distress.

Examples of bullying behavior may include but are not limited to:

    • spreading malicious rumors, gossip, or innuendo about another employee
    • excluding or isolating someone socially
    • intimidating a person
    • undermining or deliberately impeding a person’s work
    • physically abusing or threatening abuse
    • removing areas of responsibilities without cause
    • constantly changing work guidelines
    • establishing impossible deadlines that will set up the individual to fail
    • withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong information
    • making jokes that are ‘obviously harassing’ by spoken word or e-mail (see the organization’s Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment for more guidance in this area)
    • intruding on a person’s privacy by pestering, spying or stalking
    • assigning unreasonable duties or workload which are unfavorable to one person (in a way that creates unnecessary pressure)
    • underwork – creating a feeling of uselessness
    • criticizing a person persistently or constantly
    • belittling a person’s opinions (i.e., disagreeing with a person’s opinions in a manner that suggests the person is incapable of forming an educated opinion or that the person’s opinions are not as important as compared to others).
    • unwarranted (or undeserved) punishment
    • blocking applications for training, leave or promotion
    • tampering with a person’s personal belongings or work equipment.

All employees have a responsibility to stop bullying in the workplace. Bystander support of bullying can encourage further bullying; therefore, the organization prohibits both active and passive support for acts of bullying. Employees are encouraged to report acts of bullying to the appropriate person as described below.

An employee who believes that they have experienced or witnessed bullying is encouraged to report the incident as soon as possible to their supervisor or, in the alternative, Human Resources. A supervisor who receives a report under this policy must immediately inform Human Resources unless the complaint involves Human Resources, in which case the supervisor should inform the library Director. Reports may be made anonymously, but formal disciplinary action may not be based solely on the basis of an anonymous report. Employees are also encouraged to review the organization’s policies concerning “Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment” and “Workplace Violence” for further guidance.

A prompt, thorough, and complete investigation of each alleged incident will be conducted. The library prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of bullying. The library prohibits any person from falsely accusing another as a means of bullying. An employee found to have violated this policy may be disciplined up to and including termination of employment.

11. Paid Relief Periods

Each employee is allowed a relief period of twenty (20) minutes of library time during each continuous working schedule of four (4) hours or more.

An employee may use a paid relief period to extend a meal break by 15 minutes in lieu of taking a paid relief break at another time during the day.

Employees may not use the relief period to shorten their scheduled workday.

12. Meal Breaks

A non-exempt employee who is scheduled to work 7.5 hours on a given day must be allowed a meal break of at least 30 minutes after no more than 5 hours of work.

13. Attendance

Consistent attendance and punctuality contribute to the success of the library’s business operations. Attendance problems disrupt operations, lower productivity and create a burden for other employees. All employees of the library are expected to assume responsibility for their attendance and promptness. Poor attendance will be reflected in an employee’s performance review, and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Employees who are unable to report to work as scheduled must contact their immediate supervisor and as soon as possible before their starting time, providing the reason for the absence and the estimated time of return. Additionally, all employees are expected to clear with their supervisors, in advance, any partial or full day appointments.

Employees who are absent for three or more days without calling are considered as having voluntarily quit.

14. Resignation/Notice

A notice of resignation must be confirmed in writing, either by the staff member or the supervisor, and a copy immediately forwarded to the Business Office. It should include the last day of work, the effective date of the resignation, and the reason for the resignation.

A Department Director or professional (MLS) employee submitting their resignation is requested to provide four weeks written notice. All other employees are requested to provide two weeks written notice before voluntarily terminating employment. The notice period allows the library to transfer work and prepare an employee’s final pay and benefit notices. The library reserves the right to decline such notice or portions thereof when deemed appropriate.

Department Heads are expected to complete offboarding tasks assigned by Bamboo HR following the staff member’s last day

15. Emergency Closures

In the event of an emergency closure of the library, full time staff shall be paid for their regularly scheduled hours.

Part time staff members who are in the library when it closes due to an emergency are paid for their regularly scheduled hours.

If the library re-opens during an employee’s regularly scheduled hours, all regularly scheduled employees shall be expected to return to work.

Other part-time staff that has not yet reported for work will not be paid but may make up regularly scheduled hours within a two-week period by arrangement with the Department Head.

16. Drug Free Workplace

The library has a longstanding commitment to provide a safe and productive work environment. Alcohol and drugs in the workplace, including cannabis, pose a threat to the health and safety of employees and to the security of our equipment and facilities. For these reasons, the library is committed to the elimination of drug and/or alcohol use and abuse in the workplace.

Prohibited Activity

The possession, consumption, purchase, sale, transfer, or distribution of alcohol on library premises is prohibited, unless an exception is made by the library.  No employee shall be under the influence of alcohol while on library premises or while performing library business off library premises except a moderate amount of alcohol may be consumed at approved library events provided such consumption does not adversely affect an employee’s behavior or judgment and, if the employee will drive a motor vehicle following the event, does not adversely affect the employee’s ability to safely and legally drive the vehicle. A violation of this moderate consumption rule will result in discipline up to and including termination of employment.

“Legal drugs” are: (1) drugs that are permitted under state or federal law, (2) obtained by an employee with a physician’s prescription or over-the-counter, and (3) used for the purposes for which they were prescribed or sold. Employees are responsible for consulting with their doctors about a prescription medication’s effect on their ability to work safely, and promptly disclose any restrictions to their supervisor. In the event an employee fails to report such restrictions and creates a safety threat, neither a physician’s prescription nor other medical reason will be an acceptable excuse for being in violation of this policy. Employees should not, however, disclose underlying medical conditions unless specifically directed to so.

Employees using cannabis, medical or otherwise, must be aware of any potential effect such drugs may have on their judgment or ability to perform their duties and may not possess, use, or be under the influence of cannabis while performing their duties, while on library property, or while operating a library vehicle.

“Illegal drugs” are drugs or controlled substances that are: (1) not legally obtainable under federal or state law, or (2) legally obtainable under federal and state law, but not obtained and/or used in a lawful manner. The use, purchase, sale, transfer, possession, being under the influence, or the presence in one’s system of a detectable amount of an illegal drug by any employee is prohibited: (1) on library  premises; (2) while operating a library vehicle; or (3) where the employee is performing library business off premises.

Testing for alcohol and drugs

The library will require a drug and alcohol test of any employee where there is a reasonable suspicion to believe that he or she may be using drugs or may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while working, on library premises, or operating library vehicles. “Reasonable suspicion” will be based on objective factors such as the employee’s appearance, speech, behavior, or other conduct or facts that indicate the employee is under the influence of legal or illegal drugs, cannabis, alcohol, or any or all of the above. Involvement in an injury or accident at work or while performing library business may also be grounds for testing if a member of management has a reasonable belief that drugs/alcohol may have contributed to the injury or accident. Employees will be required to sign a consent and release form prior to drug or alcohol testing. Test results will be kept confidential to the extent possible and consistent with applicable law.

The laboratory conducting the tests shall transmit positive drug tests results to a doctor called a medical review officer (“MRO”), retained by the library, who shall offer persons with positive results a reasonable opportunity to establish that their results are caused by lawful prescribed medicines or other lawful substances. (A medical cannabis card or a claim that cannabis was used “off duty” is not a defense to a reasonable suspicion test). Persons with positive test results may also ask the MRO to have their split specimen sent to another federally certified lab, to be tested at the employee’s or applicant’s own expense. Such requests must be made within three (3) working days of notice of test results. If the second lab fails to find any evidence of drug use in the split specimen, the employee or applicant will be treated as passing the test.

Employees who refuse to cooperate in required tests; test positive for alcohol, cannabis, or illegal drugs; are found to be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or illegal drugs; or use, possess, buy, sell, manufacture or dispense alcohol, cannabis, or illegal drugs in violation of this policy (as discussed above) will be terminated. In addition, if an employee fails to report immediately to the testing location upon request, comply with any testing procedures (including attempting to substitute, dilute, or otherwise change specimens to be tested) and/or fails to provide specimens unless medically incapable, he or she will be considered as refusing to test and subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

Notification of Drug Conviction

Employees must notify the library of any criminal drug conviction occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. For purpose of this notice requirement, a conviction includes a finding of guilt, a no contest plea, and/or an imposition of sentence by any judicial body for any violation of a criminal statute involving the unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or cannabis. Failure to notify your supervisor may subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Employee Assistance Program

The library will assist and support employees who voluntarily seek help for alcohol or drug problems before they become subject to disciplinary action under this or other library policies. Employees who seek such assistance will be allowed to use accrued paid time off, placed on leaves of absence, where available, referred to treatment providers or otherwise accommodated as required by law.  Such employees may be required to document that they are successfully following prescribed treatment and required to take and pass follow-up tests. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is provided through Aetna. The phone number is 1-800-843-1327 or at They can be contacted 24 hours a day.  The website username is: village of glen ellyn and the password is: 8008431327.

17. Smoke Free Workplace

The library is committed to protecting the safety and welfare of its employees, clients and visitors. Accordingly, no smoking of any kind will be permitted in the library or within 20 feet of any entrance, exit, window, ventilation intake, office or work area, restroom, conference or classroom, break room or cafeteria and/or other common area. This policy specifically applies to the use of smokeless tobacco and/or herbal products as well as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, e-hookahs, and vape pens.  This policy applies equally to all employees, cardholders, and visitors.

Supervisors and managers are generally responsible for reporting no-smoking violations and enforcing the no-smoking rule. We encourage you to report violations of our smoke-free office policy to a supervisor/manager. Any employee who fails to comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including written warnings, suspension, and possible termination for continued violations.

18. Blood Borne Pathogens

While normal library operations are not likely to involve circumstances exposing employees or users to blood borne pathogens, Glen Ellyn Public Library complies with Illinois Department of Labor regulations and federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations relating to occupational exposures to blood borne pathogens.

Specific procedures must be followed when exposed to blood products or other body fluids. They are detailed in the Glen Ellyn Public Library Emergency Procedures, under “Blood borne Pathogens.”

19. Employee and Trustee Ethics

The regulations of Sections 5-15 (5 ILCS 430/5-15) and Article 10 (5 ILCS 430/10-10 through 10-40) of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, 5 ILCS 430/1-1 et seq., (hereinafter referred to as the “Act” in this Section) are hereby adopted by reference and made applicable to the officers and employees of the Glen Ellyn Public Library to the extent required by 5 ILCS 430/70-5.

The solicitation or acceptance of gifts prohibited to be solicited or accepted under the Act, by any officer or any employee of the Glen Ellyn Public library, is hereby prohibited.

The offering or making of gifts prohibited to be offered or made to an officer or employee of the library under the Act, is hereby prohibited.

The participation in political activities prohibited under the Act, by any officer or employee of the library, is hereby prohibited.

For purposes of this Section, the terms “officer” and “employee” shall be defined as set forth in 5 ILCS 430/70-5(c).

The penalties for violations of this Section shall be the same as those penalties set forth in 5 ILCS 430/50-5 for similar violations of the Act.

This Section does not repeal or otherwise amend or modify any existing resolutions or policies which regulate the conduct of library officers and employees. To the extent that any such existing ordinances or policies are less restrictive than this Section, however, the provisions of this Section shall prevail in accordance with the provisions of 5 ILCS 430/70-5(a).

Any amendment to the Act that becomes effective after the effective date of this Section shall be incorporated into this Section by reference and shall be applicable to the solicitation, acceptance, offering and making of gifts and to prohibited political activities. However, any amendment that makes its provisions optional for adoption by municipalities shall not be incorporated into this Section by reference without formal action by the corporate authorities of the Glen Ellyn Public Library.

20. Proper Use of Electronic Communications and Equipment

The computers and software that are utilized by library staff are owned by the library and are intended to be used for business purposes. Utilizing these resources for informal or personal purposes is permissible only when it is congruent with the library policy and does not adversely affect productivity. Employees are expected to demonstrate a sense of responsibility and not abuse this privilege.

All technology provided by the library, including computer systems, communication networks, library-related work records and other information stored electronically, is the property of the library and not the employee. The library reserves the right to examine, monitor and regulate e-mail and other electronic communications, directories, files and all other content, including Internet use, transmitted by or stored in its technology systems, whether onsite or offsite.

Internal and external e-mail, voice mail, text messages and other electronic communications are considered business records and may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation and/or public request under state law. Employees must be aware of this possibility when communicating electronically within and outside the library.

Employees may not use the library’s Internet, e-mail or other electronic communications to transmit, retrieve or store any communications or other content of a defamatory, discriminatory, harassing or pornographic nature. No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks about an individual’s race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual preference may be transmitted. Harassment of any kind is prohibited. (See anti-harassment and discrimination policy).

Disparaging, abusive, profane or offensive language and any illegal activities—including piracy, cracking, extortion, blackmail, copyright infringement and unauthorized access to any computers on the Internet or e-mail—are forbidden.

Copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than the library may not be transmitted by employees on the library’s network without permission of the copyright holder.

Employees may not use the library’s computer systems in a way that disrupts its use by others. This includes sending or receiving excessive numbers of large files and spamming (sending unsolicited e-mail to thousands of users).

Employees are prohibited from downloading software or other program files or online services from the Internet without prior approval from a supervisor. All files or software should be passed through virus-protection programs prior to use. Failure to detect viruses could result in corruption or damage to files or unauthorized entry into library systems and networks.

Every employee of the library is responsible for the content of all text, audio, video or image files that he or she places or sends over the library’s Internet and e-mail systems. No e-mail or other electronic communications may be sent that hide the identity of the sender or represent the sender as someone else.

All Glen Ellyn Public Library email that contains a transaction of public business shall be retained as public records per the Records Retention Schedule designated by the Illinois Records Commission which states business correspondence email shall be retained for one year.  After one year, public records no longer possessing any further administrative, fiscal, legal and/or historical value are discarded.

Examples of e-mails that generally constitute public records

  • E-mail created or received by library employees in connection with library business
  • E-mail that facilitates action, such as initiating, authorizing or completing a transaction in connection with library business
  • Policies and directives
  • Correspondence or memoranda related to official business
  • Work schedules and assignments
  • Drafts of documents that are circulated for comment or approval
  • Any document that initiates, authorizes, or completes a business transaction
  • Final reports or recommendations

Examples of e-mails that may constitute public records

  • E-mail that provides substantive comments on an action taken by the library (i.e., comments add to the proper understanding of the execution of the final library action)
  • Email providing documentation of significant official decisions and documents reached orally and not otherwise documented in the library’s files

Examples of e-mails that generally do not constitute public records

  • Personal e-mail messages and announcements not related to library business
  • Copies or extracts of documents e-mailed for convenience or reference
  • Internal e-mails created by employees on work-related topics which do not facilitate action or an understanding of the work-related topic (i.e., cover notes, etc.)
  • Announcements of social event
  • Spam

21. Social Media Use

For the purposes of this policy, social media is defined as: blogs, other types of self-published online journals, and collaborative Web-based discussion forums including, but not limited to, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

General Rules and Guidelines

The following rules and guidelines apply to the use of social media, whether such use is for the library on company time, for personal use during non-work time, outside the workplace or during working time while using library owned equipment. These rules and guidelines apply to all employees.

  • Employees are prohibited from discussing confidential, library matters through use of social media. Confidential information means visitor account information, visitor lists, and employee medical information. Employees should see the Confidentiality Policy for more information regarding what should not be discussed.
  • Employees cannot use social media to harass, threaten, libel or slander, bully, make statements that are maliciously false or discriminate against co-workers, visitors, cardholders, vendors or suppliers, any organizations associated or doing business with, or any members of the public, including web site visitors who post comments. The library’s anti-harassment and EEO policies apply to use of social media in the workplace.

This policy is not intended, or shall it be applied, to restrict employees from discussing their wages, hours and working conditions with co-workers.

Library-Sponsored Social Media

Library-sponsored social media is used to: convey information about programs and services; obtain visitor feedback; exchange ideas or insights about library trends; reach out to potential new visitors; issue or respond to breaking news, and specific activities and events. The library is a public and community entity which may result in photographs of staff appearing on the library’s website, library sponsored social media, or other library marketing materials to either promote events or familiarize the community with the staff. If any staff member is uncomfortable with, or would not like their picture included, they may talk to their department head and elect not to be involved. Employees should understand that certain public events are photographed and attendance at the event is consent to the photography and potential posting of the photos.

All such library-related social media is subject to the following rules and guidelines, in addition to the rules and guidelines set forth above:

    • Only employees designated and authorized by the library can prepare content for or delete, edit, or otherwise modify content on library sponsored social media. library sponsored social media accounts are owned by the library. Any employees who create such accounts or are provided access to such accounts do not obtain ownership rights to such accounts or any content contained in them. Employees who create or are provided access to library sponsored social media accounts must provide the library with all passwords and/or log-in information to such accounts immediately upon the library’s request, and must transfer “manager” or “owner” status upon the library’s request.
    • Designated employees are responsible for ensuring that the library sponsored social media conform to all applicable library rules and guidelines. These employees are authorized to remove immediately and without advance warning any content, including offensive content such as pornography, obscenities, profanity, and/or material that violates the library’s EEO and/or anti-harassment policies.
    • Employees who want to post comments in response to content must identify themselves as employees.

Personal Use of Social Media

The following rules and guidelines, in addition to the rules and guidelines set forth in Section 1 above, apply to employee use of social media on the employee’s personal time.

  • Employees should abide by the library’s Electronic Communication Policy concerning personal use of the library’s computer and related equipment.
  • Employees who utilize social media and choose to identify themselves as employees of the library may not represent themselves as a spokesperson for the library. Accordingly, employees must state explicitly, clearly, and in a prominent place on the site that their views are their own and not those of the library or of any person or organization affiliated or doing business with the library should they identify themselves as an employee of the library in a post. Employees may share any official library sponsored marketing materials; however, employees may not refer to the library by name when using non-library sponsored or original material. This section does NOT prohibit employees from including the library’s name, address and/or other information on their social media profiles.
  • Employees should respect all copyright and other intellectual property laws. For the library’s protection, as well as your own, it is critical that you show proper respect for all the laws governing copyright, fair use of copyrighted material owned by others, trademarks and other intellectual property, including the library’s own trademarks and brands.

Employer Monitoring

The library reserves the right to monitor employees’ public use of social media including but not limited to statements/comments posted on the internet, in blogs and other types of openly accessible forums, diaries, and personal and business discussion forums.

Employees should have no expectation of privacy while using library equipment and facilities for any purpose, including the use of social media. The library reserves the right to monitor, review, and block content that violates the library’s rules and guidelines.


The library will investigate and respond to all reports of violations of the library’s rules and guidelines or related library policies or rules. Employees are urged to report any violations of this policy to Human Resources.  A violation of this policy may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment.

22. Parking for Staff

All staff working 28 hours or more per week at Glen Ellyn Public Library are to park in their assigned spaces in the commuter lot and display their yellow sticker on the upper right back car window. If you do not have your yellow sticker, you will be ticketed by the Glen Ellyn Police.  If you are not in your designated spot you will be ticketed by the Glen Ellyn Police. Staff working an evening shift may move their car to a spot on the east end of the commuter lot during their dinner break. Part time staff working less than 28 hours per week are only to park at the West end of the lot facing the commuter lot. The staff is not allowed to park close to the building as these spaces are reserved for library visitors.

23. Dress Code

As employees of a public service institution whose primary mission is to provide quality library service to library visitors, staff members share the obligation to dress in appropriately professional attire. The way library employees present themselves to the public makes a statement to visitors about the quality of service they can expect to receive from the library and its employees.

All library employees who work with visitors, and in public service areas, are expected to dress as if they worked in a traditional office.

Some employees handle materials in such a way that makes more formal attire usually inappropriate. Jobs such as shelving, Outreach activities, maintenance, or in Technical Services often suggest more casual clothing as best choices. Some items, such as open-toed shoes, could possibly even be dangerous in certain work situations and are not appropriate for those jobs.

Examples of some specific kinds of clothing that are always inappropriate for work include: logo t-shirts, sweat pants, and stretch pants.

Every employee is representing the library when they are at work. A library employee also makes a statement about their own self image by the way they dress to work in a public service workplace. It is important that the image presented by employees is in every way consistent with the high quality of service the library strives to provide with the high quality employees on our staff.

24. Cellular Phones

Excessive personal use of a cell phone is prohibited while an employee is working. Employees with personal cell phone usage that decreases productivity, disturbs others or causes safety or security issues will be disciplined.

The library promotes cell phone safety when operating a motor vehicle while driving for library business. If the employee finds that it is absolutely necessary to utilize a cellular phone while away from work, the following must be observed:

  • Employees must place calls while stopped or have someone place the call for you. Employees may only use a cellular phone while driving if they are utilizing a hands-free device (such as a headset or speaker phone) or are using the phone in a voice activated mode.
  • Employees must refrain from using cellular phones while operating a motor vehicle in a school speed zone or in a construction /maintenance speed zone absent an emergency situation or the use of hands free/voice-activated equipment.
  • When driving, utilize voice-activated equipment and/or speed dial that involves pressing only one key to dial the desired number.
  • Keep the phone in any easy to reach location. Drivers should not remove their eyes from the road to look for, reach or answer the phone.
  • Avoid intense, emotional or complicated conversations while driving.
  • Assess traffic conditions before making/answering a call. Do not utilize a cell phone in heavy traffic conditions, inclement weather or in unfamiliar terrain.
  • Give driving your full attention.
  • Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving.
  • Do not compose, send or read electronic messages while operating a motor vehicle.
  • Do not use an electronic communication device to watch or stream video, participate in any video conferencing application (including, but not limited to, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Webex), or access any social media site, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, or X (formerly known as Twitter) while operating a motor vehicle.

25. No Solicitation

Employees may not

  • Solicit other employees during working time.
  • Distribute literature during working time.
  • Distribute literature at any time in working areas.

Non-employees may not solicit employees or distribute written material to employees on library property.

26. Workplace Security

To safeguard the property of our employees, visitors, and the library, to help prevent the possession, sale, and use of illegal drugs, cannabis, and alcohol on library premises, and to prevent the possession and use of weapons in the workplace, the library reserves the right to question employees and to inspect any packages, parcels, purses, handbags, briefcases, lunchboxes, or any other possessions or articles carried to and from the library. In addition, the library reserves the right to search any employee’s office, desk, files, locker, or any other area or article on our premises. In this connection, it should be noted that all offices, desks, files, lockers, and so forth, are the property of the library and are issued for the use of employees only during their employment. Inspections may be conducted at any time at the discretion of the library.

Employees who refuse to cooperate in an inspection conducted pursuant to this policy will not be permitted to enter the premises. Employees working on or entering or leaving the premises who refuse to cooperate in an inspection, as well as employees who after the inspection are believed to be in violation of our policies including possession of stolen property, weapons or illegal drugs, cannabis or alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

C. Compensation and Performance

1. Workweek

The library workweek begins Sunday and ends the following Saturday.

Full-time employees are scheduled to work 37.5 hours per week on a regular basis.  Full time employees receive a daily, paid meal break of thirty (30) minutes, for a total of 40 paid hours per week.

Part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees are paid for hours actually worked.

“Normal weekly hours” are established through current official Business Office personnel files only and represent the number of hours an employee is expected to work in one week. Unofficial variations of hours actually worked do not constitute a change in employee’s normal weekly hours.

For employees who work an unbalanced or irregular schedule, normal weekly hours will be calculated by dividing the total number of hours the employee is supposed to work in a year by 52 weeks.

Benefits are calculated with reference to normal weekly hours. A “week” at the library runs from Sunday through Saturday.

2. Workday

The library’s official start time is 7 am for maintenance staff, and no earlier than 7:30 am for the rest of the staff Monday through Friday, 8:30 am on Saturday and 12:30 pm on Sunday. Start time for openers for the Adult, Youth, and Library Services Departments is no earlier than 8 am on Saturday and Noon on Sunday.

Specific workday and workweek hours for each employee will be determined from time to time by the appropriate department manager based on the operational needs of the library. The library will attempt to notify employees of any changes in workdays or workweek hours two weeks in advance of the effective date of any such change.

3. Alternative Work Schedule (AWS)

Purpose of AWS
The purpose of the AWS is to assist employees in balancing family and work life, by allowing employees to work their assigned hours in a non-traditional schedule. This policy discusses those alternatives.

Eligibility for AWS
The eligibility for an AWS is based on the responsibilities and autonomy of the actual job rather than on factors related to the individual employee, such as years of service or experience.  Some jobs more readily accommodate an AWS situation, while others do not. Positions that might generally lend themselves to an AWS (1) utilize discretionary authority and independent action; and (2) maintain a low percentage of time spent performing routine, manual or clerical work. Positions classified as “exempt” from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA), by definition, generally accommodate an AWS situation better than positions classified as “non-exempt” from the FSLA.

Even if an employee’s job lends itself to an AWS, the employee’s performance I his or her job will also be a determining factor in the approval of an AWS.

Types of AWS
Some departments can more readily accommodate the AWS, while others cannot.  The Department Director has overall discretion as to which AWS, if any, he or she will permit in his or her department. There are several types of AWS to be considered and are discussed below:

  1. Flex time – A flex time schedule allows the employee to work his or her assigned hours with consideration to his or her personal needs (for example; attending school, caring for children, working another job, etc.). Flex time does not permit the employee to report to work whenever he or she feels like it; rather the employee establishes a regular schedule, based on his or her personal needs, which may vary little from week to week and communicates schedule changes according to department policy. This applies to full-time and part-time employees.
  2. Compressed Work Week – A compressed work week schedule allows full-time employees to work their full-time schedule in fewer than 5 days.
  3. Work At Home – A Work at Home (WAH) schedule allows employees to work part or all of their assigned hours from home. This applies to full-time Department Heads. Given the nature of library work, it would be very rare for the library Director to approve an AWS permitting an employee to work exclusively from home. Employees requesting a WAH schedule must prove that they have the resources to be successful and productive while working at home. For example, a working computer compatible with the library’s systems, an available telephone line, adequate child care arrangements for children, etc.

Procedures for Applying for AWS
Employees considering an AWS need to think about how an AWS can be successful.  Employees need to consider the impact that an AWS will have on their department, their department director, supervisors, co-workers, vendors, etc. Employees also need to define the business need for an AWS and how the library will benefit from the AWS.

After considering if an AWS will work for the employee and the library, the employee should complete all sections of the “Alternative Work Schedule Application” form. This form can be obtained in the Business Office. After the application is completed, the employee should submit it to his or her department director. The department director and the employee should then discuss the purposed schedule, making any notes or modifications on the application.

If the department director approves the proposed AWS, he or she should indicate that it is “approved” or “approved with the following amendments” and the start date of the AWS should be entered, along with a “trial period” ending date and a date for “further review”.

If the department director does not approve the AWS, he or she should indicate that it is “declined” and provide a statement supporting the reason for his or her decision and indicating under what conditions, if any, an AWS would be considered in the future.

The employee, department director, and library director sign and date the application. The original application is submitted to the business office. Even when an AWS is granted, it may be withdrawn at any time by the library to accommodate business needs.

4. Overtime

Non-exempt staff shall be paid at a rate equal to their regular rate for the first 40 hours worked each week and one and one-half their regular rate for hours over 40.

All hours worked by an employee in excess of 37.5 hours weekly must be pre-approved by the department head and the library Director.

Hours taken for vacation and holidays are not recognized in calculating overtime.

Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime.

5. Compensatory time

It is the policy of  the library that employees who are subject to the hourly work week limitations in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, (non-exempt) and who work in excess of forty (40) hours per work week, shall accrue compensatory time in accordance with the requirements and limitations set forth in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

Eligible Employees
Eligible employees are employees who are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  Exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act and are not eligible employees.

Determination of Overtime Hours
Overtime hours are any hours worked in a given work week in excess of forty (40) hours. The beginning day of the work week for each eligible employee shall commence at 12:01 am each Sunday.

Accrual of Compensatory Time

A. Rate
For each hour of overtime worked by an eligible employee in a given work week, one and one half (1-1/2) hours of compensatory time shall accrue.

B. Limitations
Eligible employees may accrue not more than thirty (30) hours of compensatory time, computed as one and one half hours of compensatory time for not more than one hundred sixty hours of overtime work.

C. Use
An eligible employee who has accrued compensatory time shall be allowed to use said time with a reasonable period following accrual so long as the operations of the library are not unduly disrupted. Compensatory time shall not be counted as hours worked in the period in which such hours are used.

D. Payment on Termination
An eligible employee who is terminated, and who has accrued compensatory time, shall be paid for such accrued compensatory time at a rate not less than the average rate of pay for the preceding three years, or the final regular rate of pay, whichever is higher.

Records shall be maintained to evidence the overtime hours worked by each eligible employee in a given work week, if any, and the number of hours of compensatory time accrued by each eligible employee, if any.

Payment of Cash in Lieu of Compensatory Time
Authority of Employer
Nothing herein shall prohibit the library, at the library’s option, of freely substituting cash, in whole or in part, for compensatory time off; and an overtime payment in cash does not affect subsequent granting of compensatory time in future work weeks or work periods.

Payments to Employee
Cash payments to an employee for accrued compensatory time may be made at any time except that on termination, payment shall be made pursuant to this policy. No employee shall otherwise have the right to receive, upon request, cash in lieu of accrued compensatory time.

6. Sunday Work Hours

Hours worked on Sunday will be considered part of the normally scheduled workweek (37.5 hours) from Sunday to Saturday.

7. Deductions from Pay

It is the policy of Glen Ellyn Public Library not to take any improper pay deductions that would be in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, its regulations (specifically Section 541.602(a)), or relevant state law or local ordinance.

Employees who believe their pay has been improperly deducted should report such improper deduction immediately to the Finance/HR Director. The complaint will be promptly investigated and the results of the investigation will be reported to the complaining employee. If the employee is unsatisfied with the findings of the investigation, the employee may appeal the decision to the Director.

Any employee whose pay is improperly deducted shall be reimbursed for such improper deduction no later than the next pay period after the improper deduction is communicated to management.

8. Lost or Uncashed Payroll Checks

Glen Ellyn Public Library strongly encourages all employees to participate in the Direct Deposit Program to avoid having lost or misplaced checks. Employees not enrolled in the Direct Deposit Program will be issued a paper check. If the paycheck is misplaced, the employee should contact the Finance/HR Director immediately to report it.  The Finance/HR Director will issue a stop payment on the check and charge the employee an administration fee of $25 (twenty-five dollars) for this service. After the Bank has confirmed the stop payment, a replacement check will be prepared for the employee. The employee will then be notified by the Finance/HR Director via e-mail or phone that the replacement check is ready for pick up.  This entire process takes approximately two weeks to complete.

9. Employment Classification

For purposes of salary administration and eligibility for overtime payments and employee benefits, the library classifies its employees. These classifications are for administrative purposes only and do not create any contractual right to continued employment.

Each employee is designated as either NONEXEMPT or EXEMPT from the federal and state wage and hour laws.

NONEXEMPT employees are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and state laws.

EXEMPT employees are excluded from specific provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws.

In addition to the above categories, each employee will belong to one other employment category:

Regular Full-Time: Employees who are regularly scheduled to work the organization’s full-time schedule of 37.5 hours per week. Generally, they are eligible for the employer’s full benefit package, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program.

Part-Time: Employees who are regularly scheduled to work less than 37.5 hours per week but at least 8 hours per week. While they do receive all legally-mandated benefits (such as workers’ compensation and Social Security benefits), they are eligible for some additional benefits, dependent upon their specific hours worked.

Temporary: Employees hired as interim replacements, to temporarily supplement the work force, or to assist in the completion of a specific project. Employment assignments in this category are of limited and indefinite duration. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status. “Temporary” employees retain that status until notified of a change. While temporary employees receive all legally-mandated benefits (such as workers’ compensation insurance and Social Security), they are ineligible for any of the employer’s other benefit programs.

Casual: Employees who have established an employment relationship with the organization but who are assigned to work on an intermittent and/or unpredictable basis of less than 20 hours per week. While they receive all legally-mandated benefits (such as workers’ compensation insurance and Social Security), they are ineligible for any of the employer’s other benefit programs.

You will normally be informed of your initial employment classification and of your status as an exempt or nonexempt employee during your orientation session. If you change positions during your employment as a result of a promotion, transfer, or otherwise, you will normally be informed by the Human Resources Department of any change in your exemption status.

Please direct any questions regarding your employment classification or exemption status to the Human Resources Department.

10. Timekeeping

To ensure that the library has accurate time records and that nonexempt employees are paid for all hours worked in a timely manner, exempt and nonexempt employees are required to accurately record all hours worked on an excel spreadsheet. Exempt and nonexempt employees should record all hours worked and breaks longer than 20 minutes on a daily basis, including lunch and other breaks. Your supervisor will review your time records and ask you to verify them at the end of each pay period.  Any changes to the time records must be verified by both you and your supervisor.

Employees must ensure all time is recorded accurately. Off-the-clock work by nonexempt employees is strictly prohibited. Fraudulent timekeeping and falsification of time records are subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

Employees are responsible for reporting any supervisor or manager who encourages or requires off-the-clock work by nonexempt employees to the Director.

11. Job Descriptions and Salary Administration

The purpose of the Glen Ellyn Public Library job Descriptions and salary administration policy is to ensure that the organization is able to attract, retain and motivate the number and caliber of individuals necessary to achieve its goals within budgetary guidelines.

In order to accomplish this, it is the Glen Ellyn Public Library’s policy that a salary range will be established for each group of positions and that these ranges will be internally equitable, i.e. fair when compared with the ranges established for other Glen Ellyn Public Library position groups as well as competitive when compared with the rates paid and ranges utilized by other employers for comparable positions.

The job descriptions and salary schedule are normally reviewed at least annually to keep salaries equitable and competitive within the budget constraints inherent in Glen Ellyn Public Library being a publicly funded institution.

It is also Glen Ellyn Public Library policy that each employee will receive a rate of pay which falls within the range established for their job; and that the progression of each employee’s salary within the range will be determined by the employee’s on the job work performance.

All Glen Ellyn Public Library salary administration programs will be designed and administered in such a way as to comply with all laws and to provide fair treatment for all employees regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or other applicable legally protected status.

D. Benefits and Services

1. Paid Holidays

The following days or partial days on which the library is closed are paid holidays as detailed below:

New Year’s Day
Easter Sunday (4 hours)
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Eve (4 hours)
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve (4 hours)

The library also recognizes the following days as “floating holidays:”

Veteran’s Day
President’s Day

The library is open to the public on these days, but holiday compensation is provided to qualified employees.

A. Holiday Compensation for Full-time Employees

Subject to the restrictions listed below, full-time employees will be compensated for all listed holidays.

Employees working a full time schedule are eligible to receive 75.5-79.5 hours of holiday time each year, dependent upon whether or not they are scheduled to work Sundays on a regular basis.

If a holiday falls on a full-time staff member’s regularly scheduled day off, she will receive additional vacation time equivalent to the holiday pay for full-time employees.

All full-time employees scheduled to work on Sundays will be granted a four-hour paid holiday for Easter Sunday.

For the “floating holidays” of Veteran’s Day and President’s Day, the library will add one day each to the full-time employee’s vacation time.

In pay periods when the library closes early for a paid holiday, full time staff must adjust their schedules so that their work time plus paid holiday or vacation time equals 75 hours.

B. Part-time Employees

To be eligible for paid vacation time, an employee must be hired for a work schedule expected to total at least 20 normal weekly hours.

All part-time employees working 20 hours or more per week and regularly scheduled to work on Sundays (not including Premium Summer Sundays) will utilize 79.5 hours holiday time as their base for calculation; all other part-time employees scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week will use 75.5 hours.

Paid holidays are earned on a pro-rated basis as the benefits year progresses.  The following formula is used to calculate an employee’s annual paid holiday hours:

Normal Two-Week Pay Period Hours / 75 X (79.5 or 75.5 as defined above) = Annual Holiday hours

Part-time employees may take earned holiday time at any time during the year, subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor.

Unused holiday time is subject to the same carryover restrictions as vacation time, detailed below.

C. Part-time Employees Working Less than 20 Hours Weekly/Seasonal Employees

Part-time employees regularly working 10 to 19 hours weekly, but with a minimum of three years continuous service with the library will be granted 15 hours of holiday time annually.

Part-time employees regularly working 10 to 19 hours weekly with less than three years continuous service with the library are not entitled to holiday pay.

Part-time employees working less than 10 hours weekly are not entitled to holiday pay.

Seasonal employees are not entitled to holiday pay.

2. Vacation Leave

A. Full-Time Employees

Full-time employees are entitled to paid annual vacation leave on the following basis:
Full-time Staff: 20 days / 160 hours

B. Part-time Employees Scheduled 20 or More Hours Weekly

Part-time employees working an average of twenty (20) or more hours per week annualized are entitled to paid annual vacation leave on the following basis:

Part-time Staff: Normally Scheduled Weekly Hours X 4

C. Calculating Paid Vacation Leave

Eligible staff members earn paid vacation leave from the date of their employment.

Vacation leave accrues on a prorated monthly basis, at the conclusion of each full month of employment.

D. Taking Vacation Leave

Vacation leave may be taken as earned.

A new employee may take earned vacation leave after three months.

Approval of vacation leave is subject to the service needs of the library and the approval of the library Director and/or the employee’s Department Head.

Vacation leave is to be taken in increments of at least one half (1/2) hour.

F. Accumulation of Vacation Leave

An employee may accumulate no more than the equivalent of 2 weeks accumulated vacation at the end of the calendar year.  Any vacation carried over from the previous year must be used by June 30 of the following year.

G. Compensation for Unused Vacation Leave

Upon termination of employment with the library, all unused vacation leave will be paid to the employee.

H. Vacation Accumulation During Unpaid Leave

Vacation leave does not accrue while an employee is on unpaid leave.

3. Sick leave

The purpose of sick leave is to provide protection for employees when they or members of their immediate family are ill, or to meet medical/dental appointments.

A. Eligibility and Rate of Accumulation

Sick leave benefits are provided for full-time employees and for part-time employees who are scheduled to work a minimum average of twenty (20) hours per week annually.

Full-time employees are granted 10 days or 75 hours of sick time every twelve months.

The following formula is used to calculate a part-time employee’s annual paid sick leave:

Normally Scheduled Weekly Hours X 2 = Annual Paid Sick Leave

Sick leave is earned on a prorated monthly basis starting with the first full month of employment.

B. Limits of Accumulation and IMRF Retirement Benefit

Unused sick leave may be carried over and accumulated to a maximum of 240 workdays.

Based on prevailing Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund policy at the time of retirement, if an employee retires from the Glen Ellyn library, ALL unused sick leave will be included as part of the final IMRF retirement calculation.

Except for this additional IMRF benefit, employees will not be compensated for unused sick leave when they leave the library’s employment.

C. Calculation

Full day absences are calculated as 7.5 hours for full-time employees, plus a ½ paid meal break.

For part-time employees a full day’s absence is calculated as the scheduled number of hours to be worked the day of the absence unless some or all of the time is made up during the same pay period with the approval of the department head.

Sick leave may be taken in increments of one half (1/2) hour for all employees.

D. Appropriate Uses

Sick leave may be used for:

  • Illness or injury of the employee
  • Medical and dental appointments which cannot be made outside of working hours
  • Care of members of the employee’s immediate family (child, step-child, spouse, domestic partner, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, step parent, aunt, uncle, in-laws of the same degree) who are ill.
  • “Personal care” to a covered family member. For purposes of this policy, personal care includes activities to ensure that a covered family member’s basic medical, hygiene, nutritional, or safety needs are met, or to provide transportation to medical appointments, for a covered family member who is unable to meet those needs himself or herself. In addition, personal care also means being physically present to provide emotional support to a covered family member with a serious health condition who is receiving inpatient or home care.

Scheduling of medical and dental appointments is subject to the approval of the Department Head.

E. Notification

Sick leave benefits will be contingent upon prompt notification to the employee’s direct supervisor.   Except in emergency situations, prompt notification is defined as notifying the appropriate supervisor within the two (2) hour period preceding the start of the scheduled work time.

Any employee using sick leave may be required to provide verification of the necessity for such leave and/or verification that the employee is fit to return to duty in the event of an absence that exceeds three working days or when the library has reason to believe that sick leave is being abused.  The sufficiency of any verification shall be determined by the Department Head.

All accidents involving employees during working hours or while on library premises must be reported as soon as possible to the Department Head and Finance/HR Director.

4. Other Leave

A. Other Paid Leave

All employees, including seasonal and temporary, working less than 20 hours per week, will earn 25 hours of paid leave on January 1st.  Employees are eligible to begin taking leave 90 days after their employment begins, and leave may be taken for any reason.  The library requires advance notice when the leave is foreseeable.

Paid leave does not carry over and must be used during the course of the calendar year in which it was granted.

Upon termination with the library, any unused paid leave does not get paid to the employee.

B. Personal Leave

All employees working more than 20 hours per week can earn paid personal leave.  Based on years of service, employees receive the following paid personal days:

  • 0 – 5 years: 1 day
  • 6 – 10 years: 2 days
  • 11 – 15 years: 3 days
  • 16 – 20 years: 4 days
  • 21 and up: 5 days

Personal leave is prorated for part time employees working more than 20 hours per week and based on normally scheduled hours in a pay period.

Personal leave may be taken in increments of one hour.

Personal leave does not carry over and must be used during the course of the calendar year in which it was granted.

Personal leave is for matters that cannot be accomplished outside of an employee’s working hours, such as banking or legal appointments, home repairs, etc.

C. Jury Duty

Employees should notify their supervisor upon receipt of a jury summon. Upon submission of proof of service, employees shall receive full pay for time spent serving on jury duty not to exceed two full weeks.

D. Bereavement Leave

All employees are granted up to three days of paid leave due to the death of an immediate family members. Immediate family includes the employee’s parent, stepparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, spouse, domestic partner, child, stepchild, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild.

In addition, employees who have worked at least 12 months and 1250 hours in the 12 months preceding the leave are eligible for an additional seven days of unpaid leave in the event of the death of a covered family member, and, in the event of the death of more than one covered family member in a 12-month period, up to six (6) weeks of bereavement leave during that period. (Up to three days will be paid pursuant to this policy). Employees may use any accrued, unused paid time off to run concurrently with this time. Employees must complete time off under this policy within 60 days of learning of the need for leave.

Employees may use this time to attend the funeral or alternative to a funeral of a covered family member, make arrangements necessitated by the death of the covered family member, and/or grieve the death of the covered family member. In  addition, employees who meet the service requirements may also use the time for absences from work due to (i) a miscarriage; (ii) an unsuccessful round of intrauterine insemination or of an assisted reproductive technology procedure; (iii) a failed adoption match or an adoption that is not finalized because it is contested by another party; (iv) a failed surrogacy agreement; (v) a diagnosis that negatively impacts pregnancy or fertility; or (vi) a stillbirth.

E. Child Extended Bereavement Leave (CEBLA)

Full-time employees, who have been employed for at least two weeks and have lost a child due to homicide or suicide, are eligible for six weeks of bereavement leave. Three days will be paid as detailed in the section regarding family member bereavement leave and the remaining time will be unpaid.

Employees may take leave in one continuous period or intermittently in increments of no less than four (4) hours. Leave must be taken within one (1) year after the employee notifies the library of the loss. This six weeks of leave is the maximum amount of leave an employee may take for the loss of their child due to homicide or suicide. Accordingly, the employee may not seek additional bereavement leave as provided in the section regarding family member bereavement leave.

Additional Time, Notice, and Documentation
Additional paid or unpaid time or leave for persons not covered in the definition of “immediate family member” may be allowed in some circumstances at the discretion of the organization, or the employee may be permitted to use other available paid or unpaid time off. In certain circumstances, the organization may require an employee seeking leave under this policy to provide reasonable documentation of the need for the leave. Employees are requested to provide as much notice of the leave as possible. This policy does not permit an employee to exceed the amount of leave available under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Returning From Leave
When returning from bereavement leave, employees are entitled to the position they held when the leave began. If that position has been filled or is no longer available, returning employees are entitled to an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and responsibilities.

5. Paid Parental Leave

Glen Ellyn Public Library is committed to supporting its employees during significant life events, including the birth, adoption, or fostering of a child. This Parental Leave Policy outlines the provisions for paid and unpaid parental leave to ensure that employees can balance their work responsibilities with their family needs. This policy will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave (FML) as applicable.

All full-time and part-time employees who have completed at least one year of continuous service with the Glen Ellyn Public Library are eligible for parental leave. This policy applies to birth parents, adoptive parents, and employees fostering a child. Seasonal and temporary employees are not eligible.

A. Amount, Time Frame, and Duration

Eligible staff members will receive a maximum of eight (8) weeks of paid parental leave per birth, adoption, or placement of a child/children. The fact that a multiple birth, adoption, or placement occurs (e.g., the birth of twins or adoption of siblings) does not increase the eight week total amount of paid parental leave granted for that event.

Paid parental leave is compensated at the staff member’s current regular rate of pay based on the staff member’s regularly scheduled weekly hours. Paid parental leave will be paid on regularly scheduled pay dates.

Paid parental leave can be taken intermittently but should be taken in full week increments where possible. Approved paid parental leave may be taken at any time during the twelve-month period immediately following the birth, adoption, or placement of a child with the staff member.

Any unused paid parental leave will be forfeited at the end of the twelve month time frame.

Upon separation of employment, the staff member will not be paid for any unused paid parental leave for which they were eligible.

B. Coordination with Other Policies and Benefits

After the paid parental leave is exhausted, the remainder of the leave can be compensated through staff members’ applicable paid time off. Upon exhaustion of applicable paid time off, any remaining leave will be unpaid leave. Please refer to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy for further guidance.

The library will maintain all benefits for staff members during the paid parental leave period just as if they were taking any other leave. If a holiday occurs while the staff member is on paid parental leave, such a day will be charged to holiday pay.

Employees are to provide reasonable advance notice (30 days when possible) to their supervisor and the Finance/HR Director before commencing parental leave. Additionally, employees must submit appropriate documentation (birth certificate, adoption papers, etc.) to verify the reason for leave.

At the end of parental leave, employees are guaranteed to return to their previous position or an equivalent position with the same pay and benefits. The Library will make reasonable accommodations to facilitate a smooth transition back to work.

During both paid and unpaid parental leave, employees will continue to receive their healthcare benefits as per the Library’s policy. However, employees on unpaid leave are responsible for covering their share of the benefit premiums.

The library provides a designated lactation room for nursing parents to express breast milk. This room is equipped with appropriate facilities and privacy to ensure a comfortable and supportive environment.

Glen Ellyn Public Library is committed to the well-being of its employees and recognized the importance of supporting them during the transition to parenthood. This Parental Leave Policy reflects our dedication to creating a family-friendly work environment.

6. Family and Medical Leave

This policy contains information consistent with and in addition to the information contained in the “Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act” notice (see here: ) and is meant to provide additional information about the library’s specific policies and procedures under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  In the event of any conflict between the “Employee Rights” notice and this policy, the “Employee Rights” notice will prevail.

Employees may be eligible to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid family/medical leave within a 12-month period and be restored to the same or an equivalent position upon return provided that the employee has worked for the library for at least 12 months AND worked at least 1250 hours in the last 12 months AND if at least 50 employees are employed by the employer within 75 miles.  The “12-month period” is measured backward from the date leave is taken and continuous with each additional leave day taken.

FMLA leave may be used for any of the following events:

  • The birth and/or care of a newborn child of the employee
  • Placement of a child for adoption or foster care with the employee
  • To care for the employee’s spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition
  • A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the employee’s job.

Leave because of reasons one and two above must be completed within the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth or placement.  In addition, spouses employed by the library who request leave because of reasons one or two or to care for a parent with a serious health condition may only take a combined aggregate total of 12 weeks leave for such purposes during any 12-month period.

If an employee is eligible, the employee may use the 12-week FMLA leave entitlement to take military family leave.  This leave may be used to address certain qualifying exigencies related to the covered active duty or call to covered active duty of a spouse, son, daughter or parent.  Qualifying exigencies may include (1) attending certain military events; (2) arranging for alternative childcare; (3) addressing certain financial and legal arrangements; (4) attending certain counseling sessions; (5) addressing issues related to short-notice deployment; (6) spending time with a covered family member who is resting and recuperating; (7) attending post-deployment briefings; and (8) for certain activities relating to the care of the military member’s parent who is incapable of self-care where those activities arise from the military member’s covered active duty.

An employee may also be eligible for up to 26 weeks of leave to care for a covered servicemember during a single 12-month period if the employee is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of the covered servicemember.  This single 12-month period begins with the first day the employee takes the leave.  A covered servicemember includes: (1) a  current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness; or (2) a veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for a serious injury or illness and: (i) was a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves); and (ii) was terminated or released under conditions other than dishonorable within the five-year period before the eligible employee first takes FMLA military caregiver leave to care for the veteran.

Improper Use of Leave
An employee may not be granted a FMLA leave to gain employment or work elsewhere, including self-employment.  If an employee misrepresents facts in order to be granted an FMLA leave, the employee may be subject to immediate termination.

Intermittent or Reduced Leave

In the case of leave taken for a serious health condition, to care for a service member with a serious injury or illness, or because of a qualifying exigency, the leave may be taken intermittently (in separate blocks of time due to a single qualifying reason or health condition) or on a reduced hours basis if necessary.  When the leave is needed for planned medical treatment, employees must attempt to schedule treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the library’s operations.  Furthermore, if intermittent or reduced hours leave is required for planned medical treatment, the library may, in its sole discretion, temporarily transfer the employee to another job with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates that type of leave.  If leave is unpaid, the library will reduce the employee’s pay based on the amount of time actually worked.  A fitness-for-duty certification may be required to return from an intermittent absence if reasonable safety concerns exist concerning the employee’s ability to perform his or her job duties.

The amount of leave an employee receives each week is equal to their normal workweek schedule. If an employee’s work hours vary so significantly that regular work hours cannot be determined, the library may use a weekly average to calculate the employee’s FMLA leave entitlement. The weekly average is determined by the hours scheduled over the 12 months prior to the beginning of the leave and including any hours for which the employee took any type of leave.

Substitution of Paid Vacation and Sick Time

  1. An employee will be required to substitute accrued paid vacation time for any part of a family/ medical leave taken for any reason.
  2. When an employee has used accrued paid vacation time for a portion of family/medical leave, the employee may request an additional period of unpaid leave to be granted so that the total of paid and unpaid leave provided equals 12 weeks.
  3. An employee may be required to use accrued sick leave for all or a portion of medical leave.

Notice Requirement

  1. An employee is required to give 30 days notice to the library in the event of a foreseeable leave. A “Request for Family/Medical Leave” form should be completed by the employee and returned to the Business Services Department.  In unexpected or unforeseeable situations, an employee should provide as much notice as is practicable, usually verbal notice within one or two business days of when the need for leave becomes known, followed by a completed “Request for Family/Medical Leave” form. When the leave is needed for planned medical treatment, employees must attempt to schedule treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the library’s operations.
  2. If an employee fails to give 30 days notice for a foreseeable leave with no reasonable excuse for the delay, the leave will be denied until 30 days after the employee provides notice.

Medical Certification

If the employee is requesting leave because of the employee’s own or a family member’s serious health condition, the employee and the relevant health care provider must supply appropriate medical certification.  The medical certification must be provided within 15 days after it is requested, or as soon as reasonably possible under the circumstances.  Failure to provide requested medical certification in a timely manner may result in denial of leave until it is provided.  The library, at its expense, may require an examination by a second health care provider designated by the library, if it reasonably doubts the medical certification the employee initially provides.  If the second health care provider’s opinion conflicts with the original medical certification, the library, at its expense, may require a third, mutually agreeable health care provider to conduct an examination and provide a final and binding opinion.  The library may also require medical recertification periodically during the leave, and employees may be required to present a fitness for duty verification upon their return to work following a leave for the employee’s own medical condition specifying that the employee is fit to perform the essential functions of the job.

Certification for a Qualifying Exigency
If the employee is requesting leave because of a qualifying exigency arising out of a covered family member’s active duty or call to active duty, the employee must supply a copy of the covered military family member’s active duty orders or other documentation issued by the military indicating that the covered military member is on active duty or call to active duty (including the dates of the active duty service).  The library may also request additional information pertaining to the leave.

Certification for Service Member Family Leave
If an employee is requesting leave because of the need to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness, the Employer may require the employee to supply certification completed by an authorized health care provider of the covered servicemember.  In addition, the library may also request additional information pertaining to the leave.

Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave
If an employee is requesting leave because of the need to care for a covered veteran with a serious injury or illness, the library may require the employee to supply certification completed by an authorized health care provider of the covered veteran.  In addition, the library may request additional information pertaining to the leave.

Effects on Benefits

  1. An employee granted a leave under this policy will continue to be covered under the library’s group health insurance plan, life insurance plan and long-term disability plan under the same conditions as coverage would have been provided if the employee had been continuously employed during the leave period.
  2. Employee contributions will be required either through payroll deduction or by direct payment to the library. The employee will be advised in writing at the beginning of the leave period as to the amount and method of payment.  Employee contribution amounts are subject to any change in rates that occurs while the employee is on leave.
  3. If an employee’s contribution is more than 30 days late, the library may terminate the employee’s insurance coverage.
  4. If the library pays the employee contributions missed by the employee while on leave, the employee will be required to reimburse the library for delinquent payments (on a payroll deduction schedule) upon return from leave. The employee will be required to sign a written statement at the beginning of the leave period authorizing the payroll deduction for delinquent payments.
  5. If the employee fails to return from unpaid family/medical leave for reasons other than (1) the continuation of a serious health condition of the employee or a covered family member or (2) circumstances beyond the employee’s control (certification required within 30 days of failure to return for either reason), the library may seek reimbursement from the employee for the portion of the premiums paid by the library on behalf of the employee (also known as the employer contribution) during the period of leave.
  6. An employee is not entitled to seniority or benefit accrual during periods of unpaid leave but will not lose anything accrued prior to leave. During the unpaid portions of FMLA leave, the employee will not accrue vacation pay and sick/personal pay, etc. Also during the unpaid portions of FMLA leave, the employee will not receive pay for holidays.

Job Protection

  1. If the employee returns to work within 12 weeks following a family/medical leave, the employee will be reinstated to his/her former position or an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, status, and authority.
  2. The employee’s restoration rights are the same as they would have been had the employee not been on leave. Thus, if the employee’s position would have been eliminated or the employee would have been terminated but for the leave, the employee would not have the right to be reinstated upon return from leave.
  3. If the employee fails to return within 12 weeks following a family/medical leave, the employee will be reinstated to the employee’s same or similar position, only if available, in accordance with applicable laws. If the employee’s same or similar position is not available, the employee may be terminated.
  4. An employee who took leave because of his or her own serious health condition who wishes to return to work from FMLA leave may be required to present a fitness-for-duty release by a doctor prior to being restored to employment. An employee who fails to provide the certification will not be permitted to resume work until it is provided.

7. Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA)

Statement of Policy

Eligible employees may use unpaid victims’ economic and security and safety leave for up to 12 weeks per 12-month period for any one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Seeking medical attention for, or recovering from physical, or psychological injuries caused by domestic sexual or gender violence, or any other crime of violence to the employee or the employee’s family or household member; or
  2. Obtaining services from a victim services organization for the employee or the employee’s family or household member; or
  3. Obtaining psychological or other counseling for the employee or the employee’s family or household member; or
  4. Participating in safety planning, temporarily or permanently relocating, or taking other actions to increase the safety of the employee or the employee’s family or household member from future domestic, sexual or gender violence or any other crime of violence or ensuring economic security; or
  5. Seeking legal assistance or remedies to ensure the health and safety of the employee or the employee’s family or household member, including preparing for or participating in any civil or criminal legal proceeding related to or derived from domestic, sexual or gender violence or any other crime of violence.

Eligible employees may use up to two workweeks (10 days) of unpaid VESSA leave for any one or more of the following reasons:

  • Attending the funeral or alternative to funeral or wake of a family or household member who is killed in a crime of violence;
  • Making arrangements necessitated by the death of a family or household member who is killed in a crime of violence; or
  • Grieving the death of a family or household member who is killed in a crime of violence.

Leave for these reasons must be completed within 60 days after the employee receives notice of the death of the victim.


“12-Month Period” – means a rolling 12-month period measured forward from the date leave is taken and continuous with each additional leave day taken.
“Family or Household Member” – means a spouse or party to a civil union, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sibling, or any other person related by blood or by present or prior marriage or civil union, other person who shares a relationship through a child, or any other individual whose close association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship as determined by the employee and persons jointly residing in the same household.
“Parent” – means the biological parent of an employee or an individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child.
“Son or Daughter” – means a biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is under 18 years of age, or is 18 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability.
“Domestic, Sexual, or Gender Violence” – means domestic violence, sexual assault, gender violence, or stalking.
“Crime of Violence”- means any conduct proscribed by Articles 9, 11, 12, 26.5, 29D, and 33A of the Criminal Code of 2012 or a similar provision of the Criminal Code of 1961, in addition to certain conduct proscribed by the Articles of the Criminal Code of 2012. This can include sex offenses, assault, harassment and obscene communications, armed violence, and other crimes.

Coverage and Eligibility

Both full and part-time employees are eligible to apply for this leave.

Intermittent or Reduced Leave

An employee may take leave intermittently (a few days or a few hours at a time) or on a reduced leave schedule.

Substitution of Paid Time Off/Family/Medical Leave

An employee may elect to substitute accrued paid vacation, sick or personal time for any part of victims’ economic security and safety leave. Such substitution will not extend the 12-week period.

Notice Requirement

An employee is required to give 48 hours notice to the library in the event of a foreseeable leave. In unexpected or unforeseeable situations, an employee should provide as much notice as is practicable – usually verbal notice within one or two business days of when the need for leave becomes known.


  1. For leaves taken pursuant to this policy, the employee may be required to submit a certification demonstrating the need for leave. The certification must be provided by the employee as soon as reasonably possible, but in most cases, with 15 days after requested
  2. The certification requirement may be satisfied by the submission of a sworn statement from the employee and one of the following:
    • Documentation from a victim services organization, attorney, clergy, or medical or other professional from whom the employee or the family/ household member has sought assistance from in addressing domestic, sexual or gender violence or any other crime of violence and/ or its effects.
  3. A death certificate, published obituary, or written verification of death, burial, or memorial services from a mortuary, funeral home, burial society, crematorium, religious institution, or government agency documenting that a victim was killed in a crime of violence; or
  4. Other corroborating evidence

All information provided to the library pursuant to this policy, including a statement of the employee or any other documentation, record, or corroborating evidence, and the fact that the employee has requested or obtained an accommodation pursuant to this Section shall be retained in the strictest confidence by the library except to the extent that disclosure is (1) requested or consented to in writing by the employee; or (2) otherwise required by applicable federal or State law.

Effect on Benefits

During an approved VESSA leave, the library will maintain your health benefits, as if you continued to be actively employed.  If paid leave is substituted for unpaid VESSA leave, the library will deduct your portion of the health plan premium as a regular payroll deduction.  If you leave is unpaid, you must pay your portion of the premium during the leave.  Your group health care coverage may cease if you premium payment is more than 30 days late.  If you do not return to work at the end of the leave, premiums paid by the library for maintaining coverage during your unpaid leave, unless you cannot return to work because of the continuation, recurrence, or onset of domestic or sexual violence or other circumstances beyond your control.

When your need for the leave also qualifies as family/medical leave pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the FMLA leave will run concurrently with leave taken pursuant to this policy, such that the total amount of unpaid leave for which an employee will be eligible in one year is 12 weeks.

When your need for leave also qualifies for bereavement leave under Illinois’ Family Bereavement Leave Act (FBLA), FBLA leave will run concurrently with leave taken pursuant to this policy, such that the total amount of unpaid leave for which an employee will typically be eligible in cases of bereavement is 10 days. However, in such cases, the 10 days of bereavement leave will not be deducted from the employee’s total VESSA allotment of 12 weeks.

Job Protection

If you wish to return to work a the expiration of your leave, you are entitled to return to your same position, or to an equivalent position with equal pay, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment.  If you take leave because of your own medical condition, you are required to provide medical certification that you are fit to resume work.  You may obtain return to Work Medical Certification forms from the Business Office.  Employees failing to provide the Return to Work Medical Certification Form will not be permitted to resume work until it is provided.

Reasonable Accommodations

The library supports the Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act and will attempt to provide reasonable accommodations for people who are entitled to protection under this Act, unless such accommodations would present an undue hardship for the library.

Reasonable accommodation applies to applicants and employees and may include adjustment to a job structure, workplace facility, or work requirement, transfer, reassignment, or modified schedule, leave, a changed telephone number or seating assignment, installation of a lock, or implementation of a safety procedure in response to actual or threatened domestic sexual or gender violence or any other crime of violence.

A qualified individual is an individual who, but for being a victim of domestic, sexual or gender violence any other crime of violence or with a family or household member who is a victim of domestic, sexual or gender violence, or any other crime of violence, can perform the essential functions of the employment position that such individual holds or desires.  Should you wish to request a reasonable accommodation pursuant to this policy you should contact your Department Manager.

8. Military Leave

Leaves of absence for Military or Reserve duty are granted to all employees of the library.  Employees called to active Military duty or to Reserve or National Guard training, or volunteering for the same, should submit copies of their Military orders to their supervisor as soon as is practicable. Employees will be granted a Military leave of absence for the period of Military service in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws. Employees who are reservists or members of the National Guard are granted time off for required Military training.  This leave of absence includes time off for (i) service in a federally recognized auxiliary of the U.S. Armed Forces when performing official duties in support of military or civilian authorities as the result of an emergency; (ii) service covered in the Illinois State Guard  as defined by the Illinois State Guard Act; and (iii) a period for which an employee is absent from a position of employment for the purpose of medical or dental treatment for a condition, illness, or injury sustained or aggravated during a period of active service in which treatment is paid by the United States Department of Defense Military Health System.

Their eligibility for reinstatement after the completion of above, benefit continuation/eligibility and payment for leave issues are determined in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws. Employees may elect, but are not required, to use any vacation entitlement for any portion of the absence that may be unpaid.

9. Unpaid Leave of Absence

The following policy applies to those employees who are not covered by another library policy pertaining to a leave of absence.

Occasionally, for personal or other reasons, you may need to apply for an unpaid personal leave of absence when you do not qualify for a leave under another of the library’s policies.  Under these circumstances, you may qualify for a leave of absence. This leave of absence may be granted for a maximum of up to three months (12 weeks).

You must apply in writing for this leave of absence and submit your request to the Director.  Your request should set forth the reason for the leave, the date on which you wish the leave to begin and the date on which you will return to active employment with the library. The granting of a leave of absence, and the terms and conditions surrounding the leave of absence, are at the sole discretion of the library. While the library will make every effort to reinstate the employee to his/her previous position, there are no guarantees.

Failure to return from a leave of absence at the time agreed upon will normally result in immediate termination of employment.

Requests or an extension of a general leave of absence should be submitted in writing to the Director for re-evaluation and will be considered in accordance with applicable law.

Any qualifying accrued paid leave time will run concurrently with any unpaid leave time.  (Meaning all qualifying accrued vacation, personal, holiday, sick etc. will be paid until it is exhausted during the unpaid leave of absence.)

Vacation, holiday and sick leave credit may not be earned during an unpaid leave of absence.

Holidays which fall on an unpaid leave of absence day are not paid. If the employee takes more than 15 days of unpaid leave of absence in a calendar month, and wishes to continue health and life insurance, the employee must pay the premiums for that month.

10. Professional Development of Staff

Glen Ellyn Public Library supports the growth and development of its staff through a broad range of learning opportunities. Priority is placed on learning activities directly related to the employee’s job.  Staff members are to take the initiative to develop their professional skills in order to make a meaningful contribution to the goals of the library.

Participation in conferences on a local or national level allows employees the opportunity to network with their peers, and keep abreast of changes in their field. The library supports activities such as committee participation, presenting or moderating a program and attending exhibits to learn about new products and services. Determining which committees are appropriate for a particular employee should be a joint effort between the employee and the department head.  An employee must work a minimum of 8 hours per week in a position related to the requested activity.

Funds for professional development must be requested when the Department Head is planning the budget for the coming fiscal year.  All staff must submit their requests through their department head. Eligibility to attend a national conference is granted on a rotational basis.  Specific allocations are made for travel, conferences, dues, journals, electronic devices and professional activities that further the professional growth of the individual.These requests must be submitted to the department head for written approval.

Employees are paid for their time spent traveling to and attending a conference, or workshop.  Employees should work out their time away at conferences with their department head, in order to accommodate the department’s schedule. Hours charged for a conference should be time spent productively.

Transportation is covered per the maximum reimbursable schedule currently held in the Business Office, and the most economical choices should be made. Mileage will be reimbursed at the current rate established by the Internal Revenue Service only if it is the most economical choice.

Lodging will be reimbursed at the maximum per the current GSA Per Diem Rates.  Meals are reimbursed for breakfasts, lunches and dinners related to a conference per the current GSA Per Diem Rates. The library will cover penalty fees when changes or cancellations result from family emergencies, workplace demands or other emergency circumstances. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify the department head and the business office, if they are not able to attend a planned function.

Staff meetings for information and training purposes are held periodically.

Attendance at staff meetings is mandatory and shall be compensated at an employee’s normal hourly wage rate.

When filling out forms for reimbursements, the following forms should be used:

Permissible Travel Expenses

The maximum reimbursable rates for travel are set forth as follows:

Maximum Reimbursable Rates for Transportation
Air Travel Lowest reasonable rate (coach)
Auto IRS standard mileage rate
Rental Car Lowest reasonable rate (midsize)
Rail or Bus Lowest reasonable rate and cost shall not exceed airfare
Taxi, Shuttle, Rideshare, or Public Transportation Actual reasonable rate


Maximum Reimbursable Rates for Meals
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Per Diem Rates at


Maximum Reimbursable Rates for Lodging
Inside/Outside Illinois Per Diem Rates at

The following expenses shall not be reimbursable:

  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Entertainment Expenses including, but not limited to: shows amusement parks, theaters, circuses, sporting events, or any other place of public or private entertainment or amusement unless ancillary to the purpose of the program or event

Travel Expense Reimbursement Request Form

Before an expense for travel, meals, or lodging may be approved under the Glen Ellyn Public library’s policy, the following minimum documentation must first be submitted, in writing, to the individual’s direct supervisor for approval, and then the Business Office for reimbursement.

  • The name of the individual who received or is requesting the travel, meal, or lodging expense and the individual’s job title or office.
  • The date or dates and nature of the official library business in which the travel, meal, or lodging expense was or will be expended. Please attach supporting documentation describing the nature of the official library business event or program.

You may also provide such other documentation as would assist the Board of the Glen Ellyn Public Library in considering your request for reimbursement.  In the discretion of the Board of the library, additional documentation relevant to the request for reimbursement may be required prior to action by the library Board with respect to the reimbursement request.

When requiring reimbursement for travel, please use the following request form:

Glen Ellyn Public Library Reimbursement Request

Request Date:
Account Number:
Name of Event or Program, if applicable:
Total Requested:
Person Making Request:
Description of Goods / Services or reason for travel including location and dates:

Department Head Signature:


Please attach Invoices, Receipts, and Driving Directions to the form.

11. Staff Privileges

All staff members are eligible for a Glen Ellyn Public Library card.  Staff library cards are only to be used at the Glen Ellyn Public Library.  Staff visiting other libraries should use their home library card, or in the case of staff who are Glen Ellyn residents, use a separate Glen Ellyn library card.

All personal materials must be checked out at the library Services desk or at a self-check machine, and all materials that leave the library must be checked out.  Checking out or renewing one’s own personal materials, or leaving the library premises with materials that have not been checked out is a serious violation of library policy and may result in disciplinary procedures.

Employees who fail to return library materials that have been checked out or otherwise removed may be subject to disciplinary procedures and / or be suspended from the work schedule until the matter is resolved.

Staff members are exempt from payment of fines providing that the privilege is not abused.

12. Education Assistance

Glen Ellyn Public Library encourages employees to further their education and training in work-related areas and may provide employees with financial support to do so. Such courses should be taken from approved institutions of learning, such as accredited colleges, universities, secretarial and trade schools. A course is a formal academic activity in which a grade is given. Non-credit classes, seminars and workshops are generally not eligible for educational assistance reimbursement, but may be covered as “professional development” activities.

Education assistance is available to any full-time employee or a part-time employee working 20 hours or more a week with at least one year of continuous satisfactory performance. Courses must be approved by the employee’s departmental director and the Library Director prior to class enrollment to qualify for reimbursement.

The maximum reimbursement that will be made to an individual employee is $2,500 per calendar year. The Glen Ellyn Public Library will reimburse employees for the actual cost of the coursework, textbooks, and any applicable laboratory fees. Total reimbursement to be made, up to a maximum of $2,500 per calendar year is as follows:

Grade % Reimbursement

A- Or above 100%
B- Or above 80%
C- Or above 50%
Less than a C- 0%

Reimbursement will be granted for approved courses at the rate stated above upon receipt of a paid tuition bill and an official grade report.

Employees eligible for reimbursement from any other sources (e.g., a government-sponsored program or scholarship) may seek assistance under our education assistance program but are reimbursed only for the difference between the amount received from the other funding source and the actual course cost. Total aid provided by the Glen Ellyn Public Library and other sources may not exceed 100% of the allowable tuition and fees.

Time spent in such educational activity is not paid time. No mileage allowance will be paid for travel to such courses.

If the employee resigns or is terminated within twelve months after reimbursement is received, the employee must agree to repay the Glen Ellyn Public Library in full. Repayment will be deducted from remaining pay checks. A payroll deduction form for this purpose must be completed when the tuition bill and official grade report are submitted.

13. Blood and Organ Donation

Eligible employees may take paid leave for up to one hour every 56 days to donate or to attempt to donate blood and up to 10 days in any 12-month period to serve or attempt to serve as a living organ donor.


“Eligible Employee” means a full-time employee who has been employed for at least 6 months and who donates or attempts to donate blood or an organ.

“Blood Donation” means the act of donating blood in accordance with the nationally recognized medical standards for blood donation eligibility of the community blood bank as operated by the American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, the American Association of Blood Banks, or other blood bank.

“Organ Donation” means the act of donating any biological tissue of the human body that may be donated by a living donor (other than blood), including but not limited to, the kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, intestine, bone, and skin or any subpart thereof.

Notice, Approval, and Verification

An employee is required to give reasonable notice to the library in the event that the employee chooses to use leave under this policy.   A request for leave under this policy must be in writing and must include the day the employee wishes to use the leave along with a written statement from the blood bank or medical/transplant facility indicating that the employee has an appointment on the day requested for leave to donate or attempt to donate blood or an organ.

Upon an employee’s return from an approved leave, the employee will be required to submit a written statement from the blood bank or medical/transplant facility verifying that the employee kept the appointment.

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