The library offers in-person and virtual opportunities for community members of all ages to connect, explore new trends, feed their curiosity, and access accurate information about topics that
- are timely
- promote robust learning
- allow for personal discovery
- are of interest to the community
- provide a window for discovery
- build community
- promote wellbeing
- share first voice information
Program Goals
In-person events offer community members an opportunity to be entertained, interact socially, and learn in a convenient public location. Virtual programs provide entertainment, learning, and social interaction with the convenience of remote participation.
Program Selection
The library welcomes program suggestions from the community to help identify topics of interest. Staff look for program topics
- that promote literacy
- based on pop culture trends
- to accommodate the community’s need for volunteer opportunities
- that support educational concepts such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
- that may appeal to under-represented or unseen community groups
that adhere to concepts of inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA)
- around quarterly library-identified themes
- for which there is demonstrated community interest
- on a wide range of topics
Library programs
- are open to the public.
- may be subject to age restrictions.
- may be limited in number of participants.
- are free to participants, unless otherwise indicated.
- may be presented by non-library staff. In these cases, presenters should not present solely to sell their products or services to attendees.
- may be limited to Glen Ellyn Public Library cardholders.
Library staff select, plan, and coordinate programs, subject to approval by the Library Director.