Executive Director
Dawn Bussey
Karen Volk
Vice President
Erin Micklo
Susan Stott
Maryanne Deaton
Secondary FOIA Officer
Andrew Savikas
Richard Jones
Andrew Savikas
Kathy Slovick
Maryanne Deaton
Susan Stott
Karen Volk
Maryanne Deaton
Karen Volk
Richard Jones
Erin Micklo
Kathy Slovick
Richard Jones
Erin Micklo
Susan Stott
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
January 20, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
February 17, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
March 17, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
April 21, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May 19, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
June 16, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
July 21, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
August 18, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
September 15, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
October 20, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
November 17, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
December 15, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month.
- Address a letter to the attention of the Glen Ellyn Public Library Board of Trustees and bring it to the Library Services Desk or mail it to the library.
- Click the name of a board member to send them an email.
Name | Term Ends | |
Maryanne Deaton | 4/2025 | |
Richard Jones | 4/2027 | |
Erin Micklo | 4/2025 | |
Andrew Savikas | 4/2025 | |
Kathy Slovick | 4/2027 | |
Susan Stott | 4/2025 | |
Karen Volk | 4/2027 |
Date | Meeting Type | Agenda | Minutes |
1/20/25 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
12/16/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
11/18/24 | Board Retreat | Agenda | Minutes |
10/26/24 | Board Retreat | Agenda | Minutes |
10/21/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
9/16/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
9/11/24 | Budget Committee Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
8/19/24 | Policy Committee Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
8/19/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
7/15/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
6/17/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
6/11/24 | Advocacy Committee Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
5/20/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
4/15/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
3/18/24 | Board Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
2/26/24 | Special Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
1/22/24 | Special Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
A. Organization
Pursuant to the requirements of the Statutes of the State of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Glen Ellyn Public Library of the Village of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, shall consist of seven members elected as provided in said Statutes.
B. Meetings
All meetings shall be held in conformance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS [Illinois Compiled Statutes] 120/1-120/6.
Regular meetings shall be held on the third Monday of each month at 7 pm in the library or at such other time and place as the Board may determine.
Special meetings may be called by the President or the Secretary or by any four Board Trustees. A notice of a special meeting should be posted at not less than one public place and not less than 48 hours in advance thereof. The notice shall state time, place, and purpose. The purpose or purposes shall be fully detailed in a written Agenda and said Agenda to be distributed to all Board members not less than 48 hours in advance of the special meeting and no other business shall be brought before said meeting. The time of the meeting shall, whenever possible, be consistent with time, place, and day of regularly scheduled board meetings, i.e., any Monday at 7 pm in the library Board Room.
A quorum at any meeting shall consist of four or more Trustees.
A trustee may participate electronically, rather than physically, in regular or special board meetings. There must first be a quorum physically present at the meeting in order for another member of the body to participate electronically. A person seeking to participate electronically may only do so as a result of personal illness or disability, employment purposes, library board business or family, or other emergency. All Board members attending meetings by electronic conferencing shall be entitled to vote as if they were personally and physically present at the meeting site so long as a physical quorum is present, but their votes shall be recorded by the Secretary as done by electronic attendance. At all meetings where a trustee participates via electronic means, all votes should be taken by roll call votes. The meeting minutes shall include the members of the Board who were either present or absent from the meeting and whether those members in attendance were physically present or present by audio conference, video conference or by other electronic means.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern in the parliamentary procedure of the Board for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these by-laws.
The order of business at all regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows unless otherwise determined by the Board:
- Roll Call
- Audience Participation
- Minutes of the Previous Meetings
- Communications
- Officers’ Reports
- Financial Report
- Librarian’s Report
- Committee Reports
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Other Business
Public participation is welcome at all library Board meetings. Members of the audience who wish to address the Board will be required to submit a form stating their name and the subject on which they wish to speak. Under the Board’s normal rules of procedure, speakers will be asked to limit their remarks to three minutes.
Digital recordings of executive meetings of the library Board of Trustees will be retained in the Business Office at the library, with exclusive access provided to the current library Board President and Secretary.
C. Trustees and Officers
The Officers of the Board shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Their term of office shall be for two years, commencing with an election of officers to be held at the regularly scheduled May library Board meeting in odd-numbered years or not later than 60 days after the library Trustee elections, held the first Tuesday of April in odd-numbered years. Officers shall remain in office until their successors are elected and qualified.
A vacancy on the Board of Trustees shall be filled according to procedures set forth in 75 ILCS 5/4-4.
A vacancy in an office of the Board shall be filled by an election among the Board of Trustees at the first regular meeting following the vacancy.
The duties of all Officers shall be those that are customary and in accordance with laws and the rules of the Board of Library Trustees.
- The President shall preside at all meetings, serve as executive officer of the Board, be an ex-officio member of all committees, and serve as official spokesperson for the Board. The President shall have the right to vote on all questions before the Board.
- The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President.
- The Secretary ensures that adequate minutes are taken for Board meetings and maintained as a public record. The Secretary signs meeting minutes after they are approved by the Board. The Secretary certifies documents on behalf of the Board, including levy requests, grant applications, and annual reports. In the absence of the Secretary, a secretary pro tempore will be appointed.
- The Treasurer shall present monthly and annual financial reports. The Treasurer shall also serve as Chairman of the Budget Committee.
D. Committees
The President or the Board of Trustees shall appoint the standing committees and other committees, as they deem necessary or appropriate, with such duties as specified by the Board.
Standing Committees
- The Budget Committee formulates, in conjunction with the Library Director, the annual budget and tax levy request, and presents them to the Board for approval. It monitors monthly financial progress of the library and reviews insurance coverage at time of renewal.
- The Personnel Committee reviews job descriptions, personnel policy and salary administration and proposes changes as needed.
- The Policy Committee reviews and proposes general library policies and proposes changes as needed.
- The Facilities Committee reports on the status of existing building and grounds in meeting the needs of the community. It reviews building related projects and recommends appropriate action and reviews annual maintenance and service contracts relating to the building.
- The Advocacy Committee promotes the library’s importance and value to the community by sharing information regarding the library’s mission, goals, materials, programs, and services with relevant stakeholders.
E. Administration
It is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to appoint and to fix the compensation of a qualified director, who shall have the authority to hire such other employees as may be necessary, to fix their compensation, and to remove such appointee, subject to the approval of the Board, but these powers are subject to Division 1 of Article 10 of the Illinois Municipal Code 2 in municipalities in which that Division is in force. The Board may also retain counsel and professional consultants, as needed (75 ILCS 5/4-7).
The Operating Budget is viewed by the Board as the financial plan for Glen Ellyn Public Library, and approval of the budget by the Board provides authority for the library Director to manage the library’s finances with Board approval. The Director is authorized to spend any amount specified in the Operating Budget without further Board approval, provided said expenditure is made within the guidelines of public bidding requirements in the Bylaws, 75 ILCS 16/40-45 (the Illinois Public Library District of 1991 public bid statute).
Expenditures from all library funds in excess of two thousand dollars must be authorized by the Board prior to commitment or expenditure of funds. For all expenditures under $25,000, the Director may spend and contract at his/her reasonable discretion.
All Emergency Expenditures shall be made consistent with the Illinois Public Library District Act of 1991 (75 ILCS 16/et seq.).
If the Director becomes aware that a budgeted account in the Operating Budget will be overspent, the Director is to notify the Board at the next regular meeting.
The decision as to whether or not to bid outsourced goods and services shall be at the discretion of the Director.
The Board authorizes the use of credit cards for Library business by the Director, department managers, and designated employees.
Competitive bids and/or quotations should be secured on all major expenditures. Trustees shall avoid conflicts of interest in conformance with the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act (50 ILCS 105/3 – 105/3.2).
The Board abides by an established investment policy for all funds in its custody. The current investment policy of Glen Ellyn Public Library Board of Trustees is detailed in Appendix N: Investments.
F. Indemnification
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-302 of the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act (75 ILCS 10/1-101 et seq.), Glen Ellyn Public Library shall indemnify its trustees, officers and employees for claims based on an injury allegedly arising out of a negligent act or omission occurring within the scope of their employment as such trustee, officer or employee, by the Board which may elect to do any one or more of the following:
- Appear and defend against the claim or action.
- Indemnify the trustee, officer and employee or former trustee, officer and employee for their court costs incurred in the defense of such claim or action.
- Pay, or indemnify the trustee, officer and employee or former trustee, officer and employee for, a judgment based on such claim or action; or
- Pay, or indemnify the trustee, officer and employee or former trustee, officer, and employee for, a compromise or settlement or such a claim or action.
Based upon an investigation of the claims for an alleged injury to neither pay nor indemnify the trustee, officer or employee or former trustee, officer, or employee for defense against such claim or action; court costs in defense of such claim or action; any judgment based on such claim or action; or any settlement of such claim or action.
G. Trustees Code of Ethics
The Board of Trustees subscribes to the American Library Trustee Association Ethics Statement for Library Trustees:
- Trustees, in the capacity of trust granted them, shall observe ethical standards with absolute truth, integrity and honor.
- Trustees must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense of library users, colleagues, or the situation. It is incumbent upon any trustee to disqualify himself/herself immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists.
- Trustees must distinguish clearly in their actions and statement between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those of the institution, acknowledging the formal position of the board even if they personally disagree. A trustee must respect the confidential nature of library business while being aware of and in compliance with applicable laws governing freedom of information.
- Trustees must be prepared to support to the fullest the efforts of librarians in resisting censorship of library materials by groups or individuals.
- Trustees who accept library officer responsibilities are expected to perform all of the functions of library trustees.
H. Amendments
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed at any regular meeting but may become effective only after a favorable vote at a subsequent meeting. Any of the foregoing by-laws may be temporarily suspended by unanimous vote of all the Trustees present at any meeting and vote on such suspensions shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered into the official record.
Updated 4/15/24.
FOIA Officers: Executive Director and Secondary FOIA Officer
Pursuant to the fundamental philosophy of the American constitutional form of government, it is declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees consistent with the terms of this Act. Such access is necessary to enable the people to fulfill their duties of discussing public issues fully and freely, making informed political judgments, and monitoring government to ensure that it is being conducted in the public interest.
– Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1.
It is the public policy of this State that public bodies exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business and that the people have a right to be informed as to the conduct of their business.
– Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1.
The Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is designed to ensure that the public has access to information about their government and its decision-making process. The following procedures have been put in place to ensure that residents can obtain information about the library.
Procedures Pertaining to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act
Public Records* of the Glen Ellyn Public Library are kept at the library (400 Duane Street, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137) and are available for supervised public inspection during administrative business hours (Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm). Any person requesting records of the library may make a request in writing (either in person, by mail, or by email). The written requests for reproduction or inspection of library records should be addressed to the Library Director using the Glen Ellyn Public Library address.
The Glen Ellyn Public Library will comply with or deny such written requests in writing within five (5) business days after receipt of the written request.
Retrieval and reproduction of records will be done by library personnel in order to preserve the integrity of the library records.
Any person who is denied access to public records can file a Request for Review with the Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor within 60 calendar days after the date of final denial from the public body.
Photocopy charges: The first 50 black & white letter or legal size pages are free. Any additional black and white letter or legal pages are 15 cents per page. Color copies or abnormal size copies will be charged based upon the actual cost of copying.
*Public Records are defined in FOIA as “all records, reports, forms writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications, recorded information, and all other documentary materials pertaining to the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or under the control of any public body.” A few examples of public records available under FOIA are: orders; rules; reports or studies; contracts; names, titles and salaries of public employees; and the voting records of public bodies. Information can be available in electronic as well as paper format.
- Duty to post information pertaining to benefits offered through the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.
- Total Compensation Package 2024
- Functional Subdivisions
- Total 2024 operating budget
- Location